
Oh, barf. More like don’t talk to me, Goose.

This happened not far from where I live and as you can imagine, my home state and town/region has been hanging on this trial. The defense argued that his ejecting her onto his balcony was his right as any home owner has a right to eject someone from their property at any given time. The prosecution tried to argue

I understand exactly where you’re coming from. He brings out a horrible (nasty?) side of me that almost never comes out. I think I’m still reeling from last week’s debate because that’s all I’ve been talking about in therapy and it’s still affecting me in unhealthy ways. Shouting at the tv Wednesday night was probably

It’s the last paragraph, where he basically says girls shouldn’t act like this, when really, nobody should act like this.

I believe she has said she is bipolar and suffers from trauma from her childhood.

I have 5 cats and 3 dogs. There are feet and asses on everything in my house. (and the food dish is on the dining room table because it’s the only place in the house the cats can get at AND the dogs can’t :) )

“Let’s be clear. The COLONIES won World War II...”

Let’s be clear. The COLONIES won World War II. Not mainland England, and not England with America’s help. You need to read up on who the soldiers were that went to war on behalf of the Crown and the Allies. Many of them were non-whites who were brutally taxed, impoverished, beaten, imprisoned, and murdered for a few

Younger me was the default I bet you won’t wear that guy. One Halloween we dressed a girl as Hugh Heffner and had me and two other guys dress as the girls next door (I was Kendra).

It’s the equivalent of naming the sizes porcupine, slot-machine, twenty. They are nonsense words that have no relation to the concept of small, medium, and large except insofar as a porcupine is generally smaller than a slot-machine.

Tea is offensive.

I steadfastly refuse to use Starbucks’ stupid sizing system. Small, medium, and large, people. Tall and grande are both subjective words that mean, vaguely, “big,” and I refuse to give space in my brain to memorizing which means small and which means medium according to Starbucks dumbass logic. Small, medium, or large.

Look he clearly just waited until you were out of the room and asked the doc if he could maybe throw in a couple procedures to help him look refreshed.

The “chatter” about Vivienne and Knox was despicable.

Agree, it’s baffling to me that people think that necessarily means she’s hiding some horrible secret. Did we forget about the Depp/Heard divorce that quickly? She will get cast as the opportunistic shrew/villain, while there will be some “poor Brad Pitt” narrative. I was discussing this divorce with a female friend

We have cats, but everyone at the vets remember when I brought in my ginger girl and her brother after they were left in a trash dumpster.

My cat washes his feet.

Yep. I wash them down with the suds from AMAZING Japanese Salux scrubber. Then I use a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin and then moisturize those puppies afterwards.

After seeing so many people say they don’t wash their legs. But, really, y’all motherfuckers need Jesus. And soap. Lots of soap.