
Came here for this. Was not disappointed. “How to make crudites: chop veggies.”

This guide doesn’t list how to build the Wegners, I assume that’s a requirement.

My Series X controller is fine, it only seemed to happen with my Xbox One controllers. Though, it has an issue with disconnecting randomly. I haven’t bought a second one yet, but it sounds like they may have resolved it with their newer controllers.

Didn’t he lose a work thumb drive full of company docs and porn at a Medieval times

Oof. Ya I went into a further deep dive after I posted. Lol whole lot of yikes.

For me personally, I dunno if I’ve ever seen a sequel to a game I love that I have less faith in than this. This will live or die according to the writing, and if we’re going by the last few Borderlands releases...things aren’t looking great.

Thanks for the no True Scotsman argument, idiot, we absolutely needed that

I’d like to thank you for such a thoughtful response. A breath of fresh air, as they say.

This man deserves to be ruined in every way conceivable, legally.

It’s on my list, I just haven’t gotten to it yet.

Other’s have taken on the answer to this question, but I’d like to focus on effects of what SmaugTheUnpretentious points out in his response to you when he/she said “singular creative visions.”

Magikarp Jump was lit

The shit that really matters!

Your option is the only sane one, but I’d still pick THPS5.

don’t forget they also cut them from using twich, youtube, and social media to make money. And if they chose to continue, it’s integrated in their contract as talent obligation.

Definately. I mean how many financial folks (like people with CPA's or higher) has he had commit fraud on his behalf. And how many lawyers. I mean these are people who would have known they were breaking serious laws, and were potentially looking at jail time or at least a loss of their certs and licenses if they were

Duh, dude is a legit monster so you know he's done *something*

Vince was probably the main reason Bork could get away with such a massive contract and do almost nothing.

*skips article and scrolls down straight to the comments*
Top ten Ian Walkers who should be fired from their jobs immediately

What the fuck is this low effort article?