
Yeah, I think immortals got a bit of a bum rap. It was BotW by way of AC, like you said, and had a lot of the same magic (albeit with a lot of worse stuff in between). The dungeon design was spectacular, and the combat was tons of fun.

+1 to this. It’s also a totally manageable length. I got through the main story and had all the upgrades I needed in like 26 hours (there was still plenty to do on the map of course, so a completionist might take longer). After watching the Assassin’s Creed games balloon in length, it was really nice to play a tight,

“Happy Gift Day, here is a shirt I wore, please feel free to wash it if you’d like, but I can assure you it holds sweat properly!”

It’s pretty baffling. They’re not even saying my basic statement is wrong, they seem to be angry because my childhood wasn’t particularly embittered.

No, the worst Christmas I ever had was the one I spent in the ER with pneumonia.

... my point was that ‘setting up and customizing someone else’s game console might not be what that person actually wants’.

There were plenty of times I didn’t get the thing I really wanted. That wasn’t nearly as disappointing.

Or maybe we shouldn’t add NFTs to the already massive list of problems?  

I think the title is misleading here. The real issue is the *when* and *daily* requirements. As in, people who might not be home for 5 of those 14 days because it’s the biggest holiday of the year for a lot of people and they’re with their families. It would have been much more fair if people could catch up to the

It’s less ‘one match a day’ but that TIED WITH you can only unlock 1 tier a day... you can’t go visit family for a few days and then come back and hardcore to catch back up.  If you forget to log in a 5th day, you just straight-up wont get the rewards.

You're not just wrong, but mathematically wrong. 

Of course not. That would be complete and utter pants. /britvoice

That is the ONLY Jeep I’d consider buying.

Eh, doesn’t make you a bad or dumb person, but I personally think they’re really stupid. If I had a Jeep and HAD to do something to it, I’d go this way to be contrarian dummy:

Yves’ whole plan is just pants.

I personally find that phrase far more offensive than underboob.

She was doing a cartwheel

I had to read that line twice to make sure I didn’t misread it. Did he actually want to say “pulled her own shirt down”? Although, the only “shirt” that I can see someone pulling down is a tubetop, which can hardly be described as a shirt.

Reminds me of George Carlin’s airline announcements bit.

Now playing

Seriously, I must know where it’s posted so I can avoid that disgusting link.