Linking to his video is a real shit move, Luke. Dude’s a fucking murderer.
Linking to his video is a real shit move, Luke. Dude’s a fucking murderer.
Why did anyone think it was a good idea to embed a video of the “alleged” murderer’s work in this article?
Anyone could sate their curiosity with a simple web search. Does this somehow reverse engineer this page to accumulate more likes? Cause that’s some dark shit right there if that’s the case.
Would it go to his kid or would it just go to his account? I don’t know if US courts can order bank balances be seized or redirected to someone else, but if they can’t then I expect it’d just get paid to his bank account like usual, and if a bank account isn’t accessed in a certain time the bank can basically claim it…
Yeah, I feel like this is a poor judgement. The article explains who he is, there’s no reason to link to the video and give him more traffic in light of what he’s done.
What a fucking piece of garbage.
I mean, I get that frustration. The character system is sort of odd in LiD (I’d actually forgotten about that strange wrinkle until you brought it up) and the game is a bit obtuse to begin with so wasting resources on early characters not knowing they’re meant to be disposable is a pretty common issue I’m sure.
I loved it until I watched it on acid and was just sort of disappointed.
I know yours is the ‘popular take’ but there are absolutely kart racers that do more interesting things and/or are more enjoyable than most Mario Kart titles.
The weird thing is that Diddy Kong Racing was a pretty successful thing Rare made so you’d think they’d be able to do a Kart game of their own for Microsoft.
There’s definitely room to get in on the genre since Mario Kart is locked down into Nintendo systems, but usually they miss the mark in some way yeah. I remember one of the Sonic ones being decent though.
Totally, this is all valid, and I could maybe qualify what I said above as meaning to convey that, like, that’s why I found it disappointing in the context in which I came to it. Like, my idea was too cemented about what it was by then. I imagine if I watched it again now (it’s been a few years) or I somehow saw it…
That’s ducking genius
I bet their phone autocorrected it. It changes “were” to “we’re” all the time (including just now).
Yeah....I have been paying attention to this since it was first rumored that Game Boy games would be part of the deal. After looking at the information on my Switch Lite last night (around 10PM EST, when it first appeared), all I can say is....nope.
Not once more people realize you only temporarily get the dlc. Fuck that, not paying for this and just buying the dlc separate to actually own it.
Yeah! I’m not sure why they didn’t remap the right control stick to C-buttons. It’s kind of bizarre for them to have avoided that.
R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down
Name another country where the heroes and symbols of a dissident faction that tried to break away and went to war over it (and lost) are allowed to be celebrated by the remnants/descendants of said dissident faction.
Hey, I’m lefty and I don’t give a fuck that this happened. I want people’s basic material needs met by whoever’s in charge of the government.
The confederate flag should be treated in the US like the Nazi flag is in Germany.