Marty McKee

Time for a CHEAPER TO KEEP HER remake.

The Track 3 James Franco.

I wish I had that five dollars back.

Mushy mushy.

When Markie Post calls, I come…home.

Two Grimaces go in, one comes out.

Or Native Americans.

It's a good story and a terrible STAR TREK episode.

That's true. For some reason, Kirk now has a big reputation as a maverick, like a cop who doesn't play by the rules and gets results. But he actually was the pencil pusher who went "by the book." Whenever he went "off book," so to speak, it was because he was on the frontier, and there were no rules, so he had to make

"Spock's Brain" is ludicrous, but it sure is fun to watch. The worst episode would be one that is boring and stupid. "Spock's Brain" is just stupid.

Yeah, that's probably it.

In a Delorean.

Pataki doing a Doohan impression is worth five stars out of five.

I like that one. It's deep and dark. I can see where one might be turned off by the violence though. Kathryn Hays is wonderful in it, and John Erman (who turned down a change to direct another episode because he hated Shatner and Nimoy so much) directs the heck out of it.

That movie is worse than the worst TOS episode, whatever it may be.

I've been carrying those photonovels around from one house to dorm room to apartment to house to apartment and so on for more than 30 years.

That entire episode is worth it just to hear Shatner reciting the Preamble. I still can't believe the incompetent editor who plays nearly the whole monologue on reaction shots, rather than leaving the focus on Shatner.

He also wrote an entire book about the writing and production of "The Trouble With Tribbles." I think that and Ellison's about "The City on the Edge of Forever" are the only books about the production of a single television episode.

He called the Enterprise a garbage scow!

Possible, though I think much of Shatner's "asshole ways" have been over-inflated by supporting cast members who have forgotten they weren't hired to be the star of the show. No question he was probably difficult to deal with occasionally, but so was Nimoy, which seems to have been forgotten or ignored. Granted, Nimoy