Marty McKee

RETROACTIVE and MADE MEN are legitimately terrific DTV action pictures no one has heard of, but everyone should see.

And Belushi the high school principal is really damn good, killing Victor Duncan and stopping that dope ring and all.

Dreadful, obnoxious, not funny. So, Melissa McCarthy then?

What's the over/under on fart jokes in this?

But Will and Sonny keep on movin' on. RIP Merle.

Does it? Have you checked NCIS' 18-49 and 25-49 numbers lately?

Ha ha your parents do. Because old people are stupid. Never change, AV Club. That joke lands every time.

Except some also consider the books and comic books to be racist.

How do you get 8 episodes out of it?

It's Hollywood in the 21st century. Sound mixing is terrible.

To some extent, I agree, but with a show like LOST, which exists only as a puzzle, I think it's obligated to solve the puzzle, just as a Christie mystery is obligated to reveal whodunit on the last page.

Awwwww, I liked this episode so much. Boy.

Where is Kristen Wilson today?

Who else is buying tickets to those goddamn awful Melissa McCarthy movies?

Right. How can it be racist that a Chinese man learning English as a second language would have an unusual accent?

I never understood why some people consider Charlie Chan, who was always the smartest man in the room, had a sense of humor, was a warm, compassionate father who loved his huge family, to be racist.

Zombie Mel Blanc or GTFO.

Could 21st century television criticism exist without the phrase "stick the landing?"

Si Sy sew Sue.

Thass not his job.