I think the joke is that men like to talk a lot of shit about sex, but when a gorgeous woman calls their bluff, they back down because they're intimidated by forward women.
I think the joke is that men like to talk a lot of shit about sex, but when a gorgeous woman calls their bluff, they back down because they're intimidated by forward women.
In SPIES LIKE US, Hope's cameo is about golf.
Great stuff. When I saw the headline, I was worried, based on The AV Club's history of "oh my stars and garters it's in black and white" commentary and particularly the classic DEATH WISH Run the Series with its "DEATH WISH V wasn't streaming, so I didn't watch it" debacle.
Drink every time The AV Club refers to a film or a TV show or music in terms of how much your old relatives like it.
And the answer is no.
Corman directed very few films that could be accurately characterized as "shitty." While his greatest strength was as a producer, he was a fairly good director in terms of casting, pacing, and camerawork. Considering the budgets he was working with, he was fortunate to know Charles B. Griffith, a fine writer who…
The tentacle monster in THE FORCE AWAKENS is remarkably weak and uncreative.
Poor Gus Gustoffersson.
Virtually every drama series on the air right now is inspired, consciously or unconsciously, by THE X-FILES and HILL STREET BLUES.
I think this film got a bad rap because it didn't have any big Hollywood blockbuster setpieces. The common complaint was "it plays like a big-screen TV episode." So what?
I kinda think they'd do better previewing what's to come instead of telling us what we've already seen. "Tonight…on THE FLASH."
A main title sequence would do more work in less time. Explains premise and all characters.
I've never understood the belief that audiences who will sit through three minutes of "My name is Barry Allen…" and "Previously on THE FLASH" won't sit through a 45-second main title sequence.
I like "Home" a lot, but it's not a game-changer because it didn't change anything. THE X-FILES went back to telling the same type of stories it always did.
Too many critics don't understand that serialization is one way to tell a story, but it isn't the only way to tell a story. But then again, too many critics have no sense of history or have ever seen an episode of a series that told self-contained stories.
"Comically outdated…thin gruel…stilted and cheesy…hamfisted…worst tendencies…portentous speechifying…bereft of conviction or coherence…hokey charm."
The fourth season was basically MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. It made no logical sense, but the cast took it seriously (the only way such a premise could work), and it was a lot of fun. I hope the fifth season takes them into space.
I love PRISON BREAK. I hope this season takes the Burrows boys into outer space. It would probably not be the most outrageous story turn the series has taken thus far.
Every documentary ever made is propaganda.
There's no proof they didn't, which is reasonable doubt. Somebody definitely stole Avery's blood, of that there's no question. Considering how much evidence the cops planted and manipulated, there's no way anyone can say there's no way the blood in the vehicle came from the vial with the hole in it.