Whoa whoa hold on here. It's up to The AV Club to decide what is cool and hip. Not the viewing audience.
Whoa whoa hold on here. It's up to The AV Club to decide what is cool and hip. Not the viewing audience.
Your bf is lying.
The last time his name was spoken in American prime time was probably the CANNON opening credits.
Network television would be better off with more Gordon Pinsent jokes.
Top. Men.
And was outsmarted by Costas Mandylor. How bright can he be?
Did all the Sun-Times' copy editors take buyouts?
Favorite Dramatic Movie
The Martian *** WINNER
I assure you we have top men working on it right now.
Literally, every show about cops on the air today is about cops breaking the law or at the very least violating civil rights of civilians.
It was probably the Best Laughably Bad Movie of 2015.
How do you sustain the premise over the long haul?
She was really appealing in BACK IN THE GAME.
Dean Cundey is no longer on the A-list? Jesus, Hollywood.
They were tied up like Indiana and Henry Jones in The Last Crusade.
Not to mention the documentary isn't about whether Avery is guilty or innocent of the murder. It's about the travesty of justice he faced in the Wisconsin legal system.
Including "the cops planted the DNA evidence."
There's no proof the bullet came from his rifle. It came from a .22, but it could not be determined which .22. Which rifle shot it is irrelevant, considering the cops obviously picked up a random bullet from the yard, put Halbach's blood on it, and "found" it in a garage that had already been searched 4 or 5 times.
I always wondered why every villain on JUSTIFIED, including Boyd Crowder, who were sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, always wore shabby clothes and lived in shacks.