You must not have lived in a small town in the 1980s.
You must not have lived in a small town in the 1980s.
The twist doesn't really come out of nowhere. We're told that Gordo once was arrested for molestation, so learning he's a creep is no surprise. THE GIFT is very skillful at learning both men as alternately sympathetic and villainous. Yes, the ending is tragic for everybody. I think it's a brave decision by Edgerton,…
Nobody defends classic television around these parts more than I, but I can't get enthusiastic about MISTER ED. I never liked it even when I was a kid.
It's not. It's super easy to make a good FF film. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby already did the hard work. Their stories already exist. Don't fuck with them. Just transcribe the damn Lee/Kirby stories, polish the dialogue, and make the film.
Didn't seem to hurt MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE any.
I uploaded the Carradine/Springfield karate fight from HUMAN TARGET to YouTube years ago. One of the most hilarious moments in TV history.
"Compare this to when I saw Black Dynamite, a perfect example of a nu-schlock film that would have demolished Twitter as a television premiere. My friend and I were two of the six people in the theater, which was near silent during the film and far from interactive. Who wants to be the first to break the silence in a…
Great job, Internet, on finding this DVD extra from, like, ten years ago.
I love that the internet is too dumb to figure out why a show with Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson is more awesome than the same show with Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn.
I saw this already when William Girdler made it as DAY OF THE ANIMALS. And Wolk is no Leslie Nielsen bear-wrestling while shirtless in the rain.
I just watched “A Continual Roar Of Musketry" last night. Truly brilliant, and there's no way any network would allow anything like it (or THE SENATOR) on television today, outside of the exploitative headline-ripping of LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT. Adults discussing current events intelligently *and with a…
That's the Britishest interview I've ever read.
I've noticed the better the movie is, the less nitpicking the brain does.
That's pretty common. Watch the old WONDER WOMAN show, and you'll notice Lynda Carter and her stunt double never wear heels on their boots when they're running or jumping. For obvious reasons—doing stunts in heels is dangerous. It's one thing for a fictional character to be physical in heels, and another for an actual…
Except that the character, as Bryce Dallas Howard has noted, would realistically be wearing heels at work, particularly on the day she is supposed to meet the company CEO.
Explain to me the point in the film in which the character had the time or the opportunity to dash off to her office or car and change her shoes.
If only a good guy with a gun had been there.
AQUARIUS is a good example of a series that would be better if it were a Case of the Week format with minor serialization like THE MENTALIST or similar CBS cop show (I'm about 2/3 through the series). I'm not sure it has been said enough how really really watchable and entertaining Duchovny is in this format. Watching…
Thank you.
Duchovny is so wonderful in this series that it really is something of a drag when the show cuts away to the Manson plot.