
Toronto thought that the days of Rob Ford saying stupid shit ended in 2016...

How do you feel about your hero Mr. Phillips attempting to interrupt a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday?

“I’m a white Christian mom”

White guilt and Christianity both make you stupid.

When you go out of your way to create a villain, can’t be surprised when he gets national attention, especially when plastering his face on every site still running with the false narrative long debunked.

Thanks for saying what the article said, only dumber. 

“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

“you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so”

That’s the thing. If McConnell brings it to a vote in the Senate and it passes, and the House doesn’t at least attempt a reconciliation bill, that’s going to be a bad look for them, and I don’t think enough people get that. Trump’s not playing chess, much less checkers, but there’s enough people in the shadows moving

Seriously, the fact that Mueller says virtually nothing about his work, and makes a point to come out and say “No, this is not accurate.” screams to me that he needed to squash this so it didn’t make his report look idiotic when he released it and there’s virtually no mention of this incident.

I’m nearing 100% certainty that dudebra lives in a basement with a tinfoil hat, and tinfoil covering all the walls to “stop the CIA from listening in.”

I think you just cracked the case scoobs.

Driving Pure:

1/8th mile workers?

Next can you publish an article describing which accelerants work best for book burnings?

Do your part to stamp out wrongthink!

libby’s no different really.

I swear to God the site is now just run by elaborate code, and none of the writers exist. 

It’s not really worth typing anything other than “lol” to your comments anymore.  You are a crazy person.

so here’s the thing, if we’re going to stand here and say that anyone who knows Trump and doesn’t clearly denounce him is on board with all his fuckedupness... then most certainly we gotta give the same treatment the other way, like when you continue to blatantly refuse to denounce your friend and someone you support