
This video was so good for Crenshaw and so bad for the dipshits trying to bait him that Conservative Twitter was retweeting it all day Friday.

Shouldn’t the headline be “Cory Booker Campaign on its Knees”?

Your faith in the intel community to decide what the president can and cant say, or what classified info they can or cant reveal to Congress is duly noted. I’ll remind you of that when it happens to President Warren.

Yes, how CAN anyone be that stupid?

Yes, how CAN anyone be that stupid?

What incentive is there going to be to phase them out when they’re funding the whole program?

Guess how they’re paying for it, dumbshits?

I hate to break this to you, but they are representing their constituents. Outside bubble world, Democratic Socialists are a small ( but loud) percentage of the Dem base. How exactly do you think these guys get elected/re-elected?

The Election

Maybe if you read the article I posted you’d understand.

The Democrat leadership agrees:

54% of democrats is a majority of democrats? I thought Biden was a democrat? If he isn’t, somebody needs to tell him he is in the wrong primary!

Or maybe he was told the DCCC polled their base in August and only 10% of people thought impeachment should be a top priority, but 54% thought the Dems were making it their top priority.

Biden is pandering to his base. Splinter commenters arent his base. Twitter isnt his base. The Very Online arent his base. REGULAR PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT THIS SHIT.

For the 4 people who read this site that actually care about the truth, the NYT issued a correction and added the information I mentioned above into the article. But hey damage done, and mission accomplished, amirite?

Well I wasnt ignoring it until you made it up, but I’m ignoring it now!

Literally the only two pieces of new news since this Kavanaugh was sworn IN are 1) that Blasey Ford’s lawyer admitted CBF was motivazted by a desire to protect Roe v Wade and 2) that CBF’s father and Kavanaugh’s father belong to the same country club and CBF’s father apologized to Kavanaughs father for the whole thing

“Harmon, whose surname is now Harmon-Joyce, has also refused to discuss the incident, though several of her friends said she does not recall it”

In the Times reporters OWN FUCKING BOOK they write that the alleged victim of this second allegation refused to confirm it happened and that several of her friends said she does not recall it.

Now playing

IN April of last year Beto said, multiple times in an interview, that if you own an AR-15 you can keep it. But he’s a pandering doofus whose presidential campaign is floundering, soooooo.....