Martin Fjeldstad

You're both right, and wrong. What they are implying is that at the precent discounted value(a well known concept in economics), $68 today is worth the same as $60 back in 2006(haven't crunched the numbers myself though). Still, this doesn't necessarily reflect the purchasing power of a given population, which is

I like the DS3, and I can't blame Sony for thinking: Why fix something that isn't broken?

Whiners. What you doing. Whiners. Stahp.

Thank you. I totally agree.

whining whining whining whining... I mean.. Come on, guys. A little smile?? I thought it looked awesome.

Why, Nvidia?! Do we need this? Nowadays, if people are going to bring along a handheld, in addition to their smart phone, it's imperative that it can fit inside a pocket. And I must say that I believe that the 3DS was the last succesful handheld that didn't have any secondary functionality besides gaming. I want

Is the reason why it didn't "wow" you, that you were expecting a AAA title, like the ones being developed for PS3 and X360? Well, mate. Sorry to say this, but I think you have to get used to playing titles like Roasty Rooster and loads of similar half good/half bad indie shovelware on the Ouya considering that there's

It means that the quote is reproduces "as is", meaning that it's basically a copy/paste of the original text - with spelling or factual errors, if any. It's a way for the author to place the responsibilty of any errors with the author of the original text.

I don't think Nintendo thinks in terms of what "gen" they are trying to fit into. They're all about being available and appealing to the casual and oblivious system buyers, just like with the Wii. When Sony and MS launched their current gen systems, an HD TV was something new and somewhat luxurous making the consoles

Ninja kitteh says P'aaaaaaaaaaw!

This year's Miss Extreme Phötöshaup! Where the hell are her clavicles?? Repair/burn/dodge brush overload!!

I liked the original ending. The extended cut felt like a minor defeat to me - both in the sense that Bioware actually caved to the online forum whiners, and that it took a lot of the emotional edge off of the conclusion. Considering that the extended cut endings move in radically different directions, it will be hard