The same thing the NFL uses..Gatorade
The same thing the NFL uses..Gatorade
Working at Gawker Media is a dream job for many of the women on staff here at Jezebel. This is a place that takes…
I love Neil Tyson, he's a great at explaining cosmic phenomena, great at helping to inspire people to look at the natural world differently, and a great personality that shows through in his shows.
Who decides how you should play a game?
Cost of entry? A new Mercedes.
But if you're going rob your next door neighbours (without masks and leave witnesses) you must be on some death by cop criminal run. much yes to all of this. Outside of my sister, I told anyone who asked that if you want me to be a bridesmaid, my only obligation is to show up...especially since I live out of state and have to fly in for anyone who's asked. Some people are cool with that, others aren't. But, I'm not breaking my budget on…
You know why it's different? Because if I were asked to go to three different showers, buy a tux and go to a destintion bachelor party I, and every single one of the groom's friends, would tell the groom to go fuck himself.
Max Landis wants to clarify that not all of the people in this are actors and models, only some of them. (We did not say they were paid.)
And yet, he dares to be stupid enough to try and make a buck off them.
But there are plenty of people who need wheelchairs to attend games who might have gotten fucked out of a ticket because some fraud was there instead. It's worth exploring.
Just because someone is in a wheel chair does not mean that they cannot walk or stand. (See any obese person on a hover round)
Word: February
There's a reason we have different standards for adults and children. We don't say a twelve year old should be treated as an adult if she has sex with an adult — no matter how much she "wanted" it, because we have decided that young children don't have the capacity to consent, or to sign contracts, or to rationalize…
Because they are children. They do not have the mental capacities of adults and still have developing brains. Trying children as adults is both inhumane and ineffective.
We don't know the risk of TBI for a single football play without a helmet because NOBODY IS STUPID ENOUGH TO FUCKING TEST IT. On this level, the analogy works. We don't know the risk of elbow problems in HS pitchers throwing 200 pitches because NOBODY FUCKING DOES IT. One thing is for sure, the risk can't possibly…
iPhone: Because you too can use a B&W filter in post to make up for bad color reproduction. And, artsy.
Just the handheld stabilizer they use runs at least $7500. (Looks like a Laforet MōVI)
No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Japanese kids over the age of 8 do not watch that show. Even 8 is pushing it: only the nerdiest kids still watch it at that age. It is a children's show along the same lines as Purikyua. It might not be an immature mess in your eyes, but it IS marketed to children age 4-8. Younger, if…
"Honh-honh-honh, I only watch mature Japanese-children's-programming for mature individuals such as myself."
I bet you dream of a world with epic Pokémon, too.
If Bronies have no problem admitting they love a kid's show, neither should we.