
@Ehrich Blackhound: Especially since, with the innocent man in prison, he would have a hard time pulling off the same trick again.

If you can't easily pop the Nano in and out to charge or sync it, then I don't want one. Period.

It's usually awkward to try and balance a down-to-earth plotline (his origin) with an out-of-this-world plotline (training on Oa), and I've never seen a movie do both of those well. Maybe the Oa scenes are just setup for future sequels.

Windows users: you probably hit the "shift" key five times in a row. Or someone else did. Do so again to disable it.

@Isostar13: you have a laptop you enjoy using, so no, you don't need a tablet. No one ever said you did. One might instead ask why you need a MacBook Air, which costs at least twice as much as an iPad.

@DancingMan: Wow, your teachers must have loved reviewing your assignments in high school.