Martian Yeti

@JasonGW: No doubt, but that doesn't mean we can't make fun for their actual lack of apps, right? ;)

@xCoolJackx: He's on a Mac, of course he's mad.

@rathat: Mind = blown! And here I thought the Arab peninsula was too hot for penguins.

@MacTodd: "A porni" is the full infinitive. "Porni" on its own doesn't make any sense, it should be "porneste". Or they could just use "Start", or "Acasa" (Home).

Now playing

All well and good until its "Energy Monitoring Brain" figures out that the best way to reduce the carbon footprint is to kill all humans!

Wait, I thought the singer's name was Justine Beaver... wtf?!

@BacteriaEP: 300 is indeed way too much, 100 to 200 is the right price range for this.

@BacteriaEP: Have you got any info on what is the expected price for a Google TV box? I searched but couldn't find any reliable info, only rumours about a 300 price point for the Logitech box.

Freedom from LGBT!

And hopefully better artificial hearts will get developed in the 20-25 years he's got with this model.

@njdevil: They only accidentally the whole thing, so you can't really fault them for that.

@truthtellah: I find your lack of faith... disturbing

@truthtellah: DSLR = digital single-lens reflex camera. If it ain't got a reflex mirror it ain't a SLR ;)