Martian Yeti

@SewerShark: I like your explanation better :)

The best way is to use your neighbour's WiFi ;)

@frankthepirate: It's not hard to like 98SE more than ME (which was literally a piece of crap).

Windows 95 was better than 98 or Me, that's for sure. It took the launch of Windows 2000 to make me ditch the old dog...

@Harpsichord: True, the iPad is not that overpriced. Especially considering Apple's usual pricing policies :))

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: The SD card slot would only use little energy while in use. So would the USB slots and webcam. RAM would indeed use it all the time, but it uses a tiny amount of energy anyways. CPU again would use more energy, but it's a pretty moderate amount and only when needed (as I

@chefgon: Older than iPhone 4, that's for sure. And if you believe Apple's marketing, the A4 should run circles around the Snapdragon (or any other smartphone out there, for that matter). So either Apple is lying about their hardware, or maybe it's that their iOS isn't all that's cracked up to be. Either way, it's

What's with the iPhone checkerboard-ing? Android on older hardware (Nexus One) doesn't have any loading problems. And neither does WP7 which is still in beta. Truly disappointing of Apple's iPhone 4 if you as me.

@KTope: A bit NSFW, but probably an accurate pic for this story :)

I want something as sturdy as the iPad but with a higher res screen, preferably better CPU, certainly more RAM (I cringe everytime I think about the iPad's measly 256MB), preferably a webcam, an SD card slot is a must and maybe some USB slots if they are well integrated in the design and they don't look slapped on.

Wait, WHAT?

Fun idea, but I wonder how much of it is CG. Sony's was all real, afaik. Well... all "real" except for the song, which was a crappy cover of The Knife's masterpiece "Heartbeats". But that's a whole different story :)

@zipeater: I'm so stealing this! :D

@KingRadical: Thanks for the clarification. I did mentioned that they weren't magnetic in my first post, though :)

@tegronin: Then I should have also mentioned that the coins are 10, 20 and 50 Euro cents. The 1 and 2 Euros are magnetic :)

You know... you can do this for yourself if you want to. Just take any light enough object with a flat surface. Now, just exhale some warm air on said surface and a fine (and invisible to the naked eye) mist will form due to condensation. Now place it anywhere on your body and it will stick due to surface tension.