Martian Yeti

@MaxPoint: I hope you realize that iPhone is not even encrypted, do you?

@monsted: Sorry to hear that, mate :)

@JohnnyricoMC: It's by no means a healthy habit, for sure. Thankfully I gave it up after I met my wife.

@John: I'm eagerly awaiting your test results.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: True, before the second coming of Jobs Apple was not really all that Apple-y. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were arrogant and boneheaded, but after Jobs' stint with NeXT... the whole Apple thing took off like it had a life of its own, reaching almost religious proportions (at times).

Afaik, I don't have E Coli in my shoes, do I?

@JohnnyricoMC: Smoking a Gauloise, going, "I never loved Mickey, you know that? What? He has three fingers. What am I? A bowling ball, fuck off!"

@samuelbowker: I'd say that anyone following "the industry" for a while will attest that Apple has always been like this. Egotistical, egomaniac jerks. It's just that when they were small they were kinda funny as the underdog. Now since they're big they're the appholes ;)

@JohnnyricoMC: Yeah, I know. French (and Romance languages) place the adjectives after the nouns while in English it's the other way around.

@JohnnyricoMC: True, true. I hate French for their Azerty, OTAN and all their other bullshit.

@bdkennedy1002: What point? That you have to grip other phones like your life depended on it to lose some bars (but not calls and data transfer) but all it takes is a single finger press on iPhones 4 to choke it's antenna?

If you're not going to utilize the underlying OS, why not ship this on Windows Mobile 7 or CE?

Too little, too late Apple. Everyone and their mother saw through the spin and you lost a little (or a lot, depending on who you ask) of your charm that day.

@Dorian Arbos: FTA: "what the TRA desires (mainly, that all BlackBerry data and info pass through regulated servers)"

@Fredman1365: Just a though, maybe they shouldn't have used live ammo for testing?

@Shadowlayer: Argh! You had to remind me of that shithole. Proof that Hollywood will throw money at every piece of crap if you bling it with enough sfx. Pretty lackluster sfx I might add.

@Supremor: Best Youtbe comment evah (for today at least):