
@Winston Smith: You already do pay more for more bandwidth. The internet isn't some resource that you can use up and its all gone. There is a limit to bandwidth however, and our pricing structure is based on that like it should be. If you're paying $50 a month for 15Mbps of bandwidth a month, it shouldn't matter how

@mindsale: Starcraft 2 and cataclysm both run on the mac today just fine. Civ V will most likely also be available (eventaully) []

@mindsale: Starcraft 2 and cataclysm both run on the mac today just fine. Civ V will most likely also be available (eventaully) []

@Sam: Oh please. THIS.

@Louis Andrew: Probably because the apple shitstorm is more relevant to Gizmodo's tech blog genre.

Great, so this electric motorcycle compares to gasoline powered motorcycles that were made 60-70 years ago in regards to range and maximum speed. Just another 60-70 years and maybe electric bikes will be able to compete with the gasoline powered bikes of today!

WTF is this?

LOL wow, he volunteered!:

@stranger: Squish an ant? You should be squished.