
Since the article makes this seem like many, many, MANY people are being screwed over the interest of accuracy I feel I should point out that at any given time there is only ~30 people playing this game (which is 7 years old) on steam.

Nobody comments on it because nobody is trying to play the DLC of a 12 year old game.

Im still waiting for the part where you reveal this post was just satire and no one could possibly be this dumb.

Yeah, being not at all involved in the modding scene this struck me as particularly tone deaf.

In general “gamer” appears to just be a prefix they attach to otherwise regular things so they can charge more money. Don't buy ANY of it.

Why should Sony care about anything other than Sony? There is very little reason/incentive too. 

Sure, in a sense, that’s fine. But maybe instead of saying “you’re an idiot, live with the consequences” we actively try to stop assholes exploiting their positions to defraud people who may not know better (due to any number of reasons) and enrich themselves at the expense of others. 

I don’t follow any of this tremendously close so I’m sure this is purely subjective and missing context but my impression is that Faze clan in general is just an insufferable gaggle of shady douchebags.

Just gonna steal lines from Louis CK are we? Lol.

Well for one, he barely used the character in WCW. It was for like a month when WCW was dying. And that was still 20 years ago lol.

Wait.....he seriously tried to argue, in court, that Activision based the character on an obscure wrestling persona he briefly used in even more obscure independent wrestling promotions almost 30 years ago?

And that's why they are taken down. Ubi is making money from something they don't own. 

Its fanart in another game that a company without the rights makes money from. It's not hard to see why it got taken down.

It sucks, sure. But it shouldn’t be THAT surprising. If you just wholesale reconstruct another video game it’s probably going to get taken down. 

An online front for what market? It sure won’t be console games because no one can sell digital games except Sony and MS. and good luck competing with steam, epic, etc etc on PC. They gonna retail games like Amazon, Walmart etc etc don't already crush them in that?

It still blows my mind that people actually think GameStop is going to magically become a digital store front for games. YOUR argument is that if Kotaku doesn’t give them attention they will go away. And my argument that its literally irrelevant what Kotaku does.

Dude has 18+ million subscribers on youtube and his videos get between 20 and 30 million views. What Kotaku does or doesn’t do has zero impact on him. It's like dropping a cup on water in the ocean.

This is so spot on. Pretty much every day I learn of someone I have never heard of and think “oh they probably just have a small following on Instagram or something“ only to go and see they have 20 million followers. It’s so insane.

What IP’s did any of those companies have when Sony acquired them? (Zipper hasn’t even existed for like a decade lol). Also, all those companies games were published by Sony in the first place.