Ding ding ding.
Ding ding ding.
I absolutley love how these people are talking about twitch likes its some high minded lecture circuit or something that needs to be protected from this vulgarity. It’s a bunch of maladjusted weirdos yelling at video games. If anything women in hot tubs will class the place up a bit.
Its really not. People in general have a bad concept of calories and how much eating outweighs excercise. A 10k run will burn ~600 calories. That’s two slices of pizza. TWO.
I kind of hate articles like this because they always emphasize some fad workout routine and NEVER talk about the actual reason for the weight loss, diet. So people start doing these dumb routines thinking they are going to lose a ton of weight and when nothing happens they get discouraged and give up.
Sit ups are a decent core workout but Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Honestly his diet changes were probably 90% responsible for his weight loss. The excericese would have improved his cardio but that is about it.
Yeah, he actually looks kind of underweight to be honest but it’s good he lost all that weight no question. And if he has that kind of commitment, it won’t be hard for him to bulk up a bit if he wants too. He defintley should look at a good shoulder routine ;)
As someone who has been working with the public everyday since this pandemic started, it has absolutley destroyed any remaining faith i had in humanity. People are way stupider, way more selfish and way bigger assholes than I ever thought (and I already thought people were pretty terrible).
“Being an idiot should not be a death sentence. “
Sure, this is a needlessly complicated way of doing a demo but it strikes me as odd to complain that you don’t have time to play a 30 min demo over an 8 hour period because you are so busy with “life and family” but you are some how going to have time to play the full game?
Its also not THAT hard to find 30 mins (the limit of the demo) after 6pm on a Saturday to play.
Wow. You sure showed me. You TOTALLY sound like a reasonable person now that you have typed out a condescending list of reasons why everything you said is right.
I mean, your PS4 is also like 8 years old and has had multiple system updates. Lots of shit it does now it didn’t do out of the box. The PS5 has been out for like 6 months. Calm down.
Exaggerates very minor issues? Check
Yeah, you totally sound like a reasonable person. lol.
No offence to Prince Phillip but this is the real death of Royalty.
The obvious difference being that the insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan are, for all intents and purposes, an army fighting for their (warped) beliefs and willing to do pretty much anything to achieve it. They are very much “all in” on that shit. You can say alot of bad shit about them but questioning their…
The problem with your point is that you are using a sample size of one (yourself). In order for it to be worthwhile you would have to show that it's a rising trend and not just your own personal feelings.
I don’t think you can extrapolate your own growing disinterest to some sort of overarching strategy Sony should employ. 1p games are clearly extremely popular and big sellers for Sony. While your experience is valid, it's far from the norm.
I don’t buy that. The fact that no Oscar winning director has done a MCU movie doesn’t really mean anything. For one, how many Oscar winning directors are even active today? A dozen? Twenty? It’s not exactly a big number.