
You know you can switch the camera and drive in 3rd person, right?

You know, it’s funny that people often describe TLOU as “miserable” or “depressing”. Sure, there is some of that (humanity has been destroyed and society has collapsed, that tends to be depressing lol) but I honestly found the whole story to be pretty uplifting in a weird way. Ellie will forever be burned into my

Fair enough. Even in the original Bloomberg article though it seems to want to make a big deal about the fact that “work didn’t actually start until 2016". Which isnt really ground breaking and because, as you said, there is much more interesting and damning information in the article (like the fact the much hyped

They didn’t redo the game from scratch halfway through. They hadn’t even really started building the game when Badowski took over. The changes he demanded were to the preliminary outlines of the game.

I think most people are referencing the title of the article. Its widely known that they didn’t start developing the game until 2016 after all the witcher stuff was done (it's also a fairly normal development cycle). That is really a non story, so it’s wierd they would lead with it as opposed to something else.

Well, that wasn’t really the example I was making. I was saying that most Egyptian artifacts were looted by other Egyptians thousands of years before hand. Same with nearly every other culture in history. The stuff you see in museums is like 1% of what actually existed, if that. “Grave robbing” is not endemic to white

Im not going to disagree with your basic point, but I would point out that humanity has a long history of looting shit from other cultures (usually after subjugating them) so throwing exclusively white people under the bus is a bit misguided.

Im guessing the answer is that Hemsworth probably has an extra zero on his pay cheque (at least now a days anyway).

No, it’s not one or the other. I didn’t say it ran fine I said it ran fine APART from frequent crashes. IE: I didnt encounter many bugs, glitches etc etc but it did crash frequently.

It has crashed on my Ps5 probably close to 50 times, maybe more. I have never ever seen a game so unstable as Cyberpunk. The two other people I know with a ps5 say the same.

I played the game pretty hard for 50ish hours and enjoyed it. It ran fine (apart from frequent crashes) the story was interesting and looked gorgeous. But it’s so poorly balanced that it just became boring due to my character being ridiculously over powered.

I can’t imagine any studio anywhere is paying $150 million for a license to make star wars games. Especially when it's not exclusive.

“It’s a shame, but I’ll bet Disney just doesn’t see it as being worthwhile to get on the phone for anything less than a AAA game with what appears to be a huge return on investment.”

I mean, other than its a different studio using a different engine, yeah, exactly like AC? lol.

While I don’t disagree with the idea that “white” is not really a thing (it’s essentially a colloquialism with no defined meaning) he (and you) is conflating race with ethnicity, ideology etc. Italian isn’t a race. Scottish isn’t a race. Liberal isn't a race Etc etc. You can be those things AND also be a specific


People are awful but this also reeks of a scam.

Really? It’s easier to swap out batteries than plug in a small cord? Like you do every single day with your phone. lol.

I had alot of fun for the first 30ish hours I played. After that though your character becomes so stupidly overpowered that even on the hardest difficulty the game becomes a boring grind fest. I haven't touched it in a couple weeks now. I will go back eventually and finish the main story but can't see doing more than

Its even funnier that people who definitely plug their phone in to charge it every single day are complaining about how hard it is to plug a controller in (to the SAME FREAKING CABLE) a few times a week lol.