My bad faith is exhausting? Lol. So far you have;
My bad faith is exhausting? Lol. So far you have;
I don’t give two shits about this guy but I do find it pretty funny the lengths people go to vilify him.
This is my general feeling as well. its probably some boring legal/contract dispute. Although I will admit, it seems awfully weird how far twitch seems to be going to not let any info out. But I guess that could also reinforce that it’s a legal thing. They don’t want to say/release anything until it's settled.
I don’t really play mobile games and know who tencent is. So now what? Do you want to continue trading personal anecdotes that don’t mean anything?
“care deeply” and “are familiar with” are obviously very different things. The article says the latter not the former.
I mean, sure. I doubt anyone would disagree with that's sentiment. Good luck making it reality though.
Im fine with limiting China (although this is an extremely ham fisted way of doing it that probably won't survive legal challenges). I do find it a bit rich that they are doing it in the basis of privacy protection though. I’m sure somewhere Ed Snowden is having a good laugh.
I mean, the fact that tencent is so huge tends to suggest that ALOT of people actually do pay attention to it.
The fact that you are talking about critical thinking while missing the point so hard I can almost hear it is pretty goddamn hillarious.
the swastika had been around for thousands of years before the Nazis. Meanings change. Things are complex.
Actually, he did the exact opposite. Like literally the EXACT opposite. He went on twitter the day before release and reminded people there was no multiplayer.
Basically my thoughts as well. Like what the fuck is so great about Brian Singer than he gets carte blanche to act like a large diameter dickhole for a couple decades? Dude seems like a perfectly generic director. Replace him with anybody and nobody even noticed.
Is there really anything that special about Brian Singer (especially in the context of the X-Men movies) that couldn’t be done by a dozen or so other directors who aren’t complete shit bags? Why would producers/studios put up with this? It’s not like people were coming to “a Brian Singer movie” they were coming to see…
Meh. NMS wasn’t really anymore egregiously misleading than any other game. In the beginning They all show some CGI video that looks not much like the finished game and give the best possible description of the game. NMS wasn’t any worse. I followed the development pretty closely and didn’t feel like I was “promised…
No Man’s Sky didn’t really fuck up though. It was mostly (and I say mostly because there was some level of fuck up on their part) massive, ridiculous overreacting by “Gamers”.
Development on Sc started in 2010. Which means almost the entire Uncharted franchise came out before this with at least 3 years to spare lol.
It feels like they are just doing this bullshit on purpose now lol.
They cant even make a development roadmap without it being a clusterfuck. I love it haha.
I could get more behind the ageism argument if he was 50 or something. But he was nearly 80 years old. At some point age has to become relevant to your ability to perform a job.
He absolutely would beat McGregor in a boxing match.