Jesus, talk about wild overreaction.
Jesus, talk about wild overreaction.
Has anyone considered that it's a joke? I mean, he is a comedian (or so I'm told)
Yeah, I'm sure this will all go well.
This was my immediate thought as well. With the revelation of the video confession the whole existence of the 7K (at least as Rorshach mask wearing “revolutionaries”) make less and less sense.
He said maybe it’s a diffiult game for a certain type of critic and audience to understand.
Not sure how Fortnite gets nominated in the eSports category over something like Rainbow 6. Fortnite's eSports scene is largely a fucking mess that nobody cares about.
Yeah, I think I read somewhere that a 4k game burns through 2gb in 5 minutes. Consider a game like AC Oddesy is easily a 100 hour game that just seems insane.
Its weird, I don’t know anyone who has actually gone to see Joker.
I don’t know any actual serious gamer (or even semi serious gamer) who would actually buy that swagger though. I know lots people who are already planning for a PS5. I don’t know a single person who gives any fucks about stadia.
This is, in alot of ways, a better list than the original.
Back in July Sony announced that digital sales had overtaken physical sales. So it seems like most gamers do not feel that way.
I watched Spy on Netflix knowing absolutely nothing about it and (stupidly, I admit) thinking it was one of those cookie cutter, Big Bang Theory type “comedies”. I don’t think I have even been more pleasently surprised by a movie. Legitimately one of the funniest movies this century.
Shoot house is everything I hate about CoD and why I hadn't bought a game in the franchise for nearly a decade. Colour me disappointed.
I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary
If you don’t want to be beaten over the head with the same comment maybe don’t say obviously ridiculous things to start with lol
I don’t enjoy fortnite but excluding it from a list like this would be insane. It has quite obviously had a massive impact on gaming that almost no recent game has had.
Im not super familiar with OW but this was my thought as well. Why a sequel and not just an expansion or so form of DLC? Especially when you are pushing it as an eSport. Won’t this sort of low key wreck the credibilty of the OWL if you release a sequel like 2 years after?
Except he really just acknowledged it on Reddit after a few hundred people called him out on it. I would bet a large amount of money this revelation does not carry over to real life and he learned pretty much nothing.
Add me to the group that likes these map changes. First COD I have bought in probably 6 or 7 years because I grew to hate the ridiculous “run around aimlessly shooting people as fast as you can” gameplay.