
This whole thing is pretty ridiculous. Monique hasnt been relevant in comedy in damn near 20 years. And even when she was it was nowhere near the level of Rock or Chappelle or Schumer. I’m not a fan of Amy Schumers comedy but it doesn’t take a genius to see that she was arguably the biggest thing in comedy when she

I don’t have a problem with “trying to get hers” but the way she is going about it is less than ideal. She is trying to shoehorn this into other social issues when really its a “I want more money” issue. That’s kinda shitty of her.

I don’t get the bomb dropping complaint. It seems pretty easily explained. The rack that holds the bombs doesn’t drop them it actually pushes them downwards. In the zero gravity of space the bombs keep moving downward once they leave the ship because that’s how zero gravity works.

If you think a large group of average looking people running around naked is in anyway sexual then you have never seen a large group of average looking people running around naked.

To be fair, this is Aberta. Which is Canada’s version of the US. The rest of Canada (and the courts) largely don’t care.

Cruises: All the fun in staying in a hotel only with weather and nausea.

And I thought that episode of Archer was exaggerating about Turkmenistan.....

It DOES mean something though because its dozens of customer complaints. The original BBB may not be great but if you think that having a ton of legit customers complaining about your business is not going to mean anything you are crazy.

Honestly, I don’t get all the love for Wonder Women. It was a good movie but nothing amazing.

The “real score” is likely pretty close to the Critics Score. Exit polls (yes, they do those for movies) said the audience reception was overwhelmingly good.

The EU was a goddamn mess. Disney killing it was a god send.

When the 4th season started and progressed I was worried that it was going to be some unrealistic ending where FINALLY they get something right and manage to be the next big thing instead of just an also ran who nobody remembers. Boy, I have never been happier to be wrong. What a perfect last season. Its a shame so

Funny story, I actually started watching it soley because I found the title interesting. I literally knew nothing about the show, it was the title that sucked me in.

I know I’m super late on this (had to wait for season 4 to land on Netflix) but as someone who has watched the show since day 1......goddamn, what a gut punch. Can’t remember the last time a show pulled off such an amazing and heartbreaking episode.

I don’t really see the big deal about not talking about her to be honest. They tried the make the driver more of a part of the show and everyone hated it. So they went back to just having a nameless, faceless person who can drive fast and do lap times.

I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas.

I have not seen the series since it premiered but didnt the prosecution not even use Dasseys confession in the Avery case? They essentially convicted Dassey and Avery of the same crime using two different versions of events.

I have said it before and I will say it again, democracy simply doesn’t work.

The “its too scripted” Criticisms are so dumb. Its a massively complex and expensive TV show of course it is going to be highly scripted (just like TG was). You really think they are going to go to all the effort to get 3 super cars and a huge film crew to Switzerland and then just wing it in the hopes that A)

Yeah, I really don’t get the “its too scripted!” Criticisms. Do people not know how TV shows work? Do they really think that they are just going to spend ungodly amounts of time and money, show up to a location and then just shrug and say “ok, lets see what happens. Hope it winds up good.”