
Cheapest billionaire ever.

LMAO. No one who is sincere puts out their apology on Xitter. 

He’s about to drop an album and someone reminded him that Jewish kids generally love Hip Hop.

Not only illegally subletting her grandma’s apartment, but an apartment that is rent controlled.  It’s probably INCREDIBLY cheap, even for the 90's.

Yes. It’s the same group. Eduardo Saverin is still listed as a founder of Meta even though it used to be called Facebook.  There’d be no Chicks without Lynch.

Caroline in the city!? I would really suggest commuting from Long Island instead.

Mom was definitely employed because the first part of the movie she’s wearing a power suit and she’s the one who pays the pizza delivery boy $120 + tip 

I think the McCallisters were always intended to be upper-upper-middle-class, but we as a society were much less class conscious in 1990, so this element of the story received almost no attention at the time.

Every time this comes up I like to point out that Joey and Chandler’s apartment was not that nice. It was about half the size of Monica’s. No terrace. While Monica’s apartment faced the street Joey was singing duets with a guy next door because their windows were like two feet apart. Whenever they showed one of the

I’ve seen this “hot take” on the internet for years along with this idea that back in the 90s, the McAllisters looked more middle class but as a kid back then living in the Chicago suburbs I can say “Fuck No”. They were always rich. Technically maybe they were “upper middle” class but like at the very top of that

How can two guys and a girl even afford a pizza place in this economy?

Does anyone have any insights into how much it would cost to live in the Friends apartments, while we’re all talking about things we figured out literal decades ago?

Now playing

Fact: The best Christmas commercial is the one with the Hershey kisses as bell-ringers performing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” Fact!

“If a company has a gigantic content library, they’ll make it all available on streaming at a reasonable price!”

Except Zaslav would lead the merged company. He wants all the benefits of a merged company and then future benefits as well (selling WBD in a year with a massive library of inventory).

He’s not adding Paramount. He’s letting WB/Discovery get absorbed by them. And Paramount is also deep in debt.

This might be a hot take, but Zaslav isn’t the problem. He’s a convenient scapegoat, but he’s just the symptom of a problem that’s been going on for decades. When AT&T bought Time Warner in 2018, plenty of workers sounded the alarm then about long-term plans getting derailed and entire divisions getting shuttered in

My first thought after hearing about this proposed merger (after “oh shit, he’s gonna bin Lower Decks for a tax writeoff”) was, “Wow, that’s gonna be a lot of debt!”

I’m with you.  I’m completely tired of this Zaslav guessing game.  So until the guy is fired, if nothing else is mentioned about the “genius”, that’ll be a good day for America.

Just stop. Enough with the corporate shell game. I don’t give a shit if Apple wants to buy WB and pay off the debt with the change from under its cushion. This is bad for consumers, but it’s also really bad for the people that actually makes all of the content consumers enjoy - both the creatives and the everyday peopl