
I hear there be internet seas where only pirates are crazy enough to sail them.  And on the Islands of that sea one can find many a streaming content.  

Don’t even think it needs to make that much. With there current record being so bad if that movie made one penny more then its budget, the board would be pissed 

I was thinking that the best possible outcome is that some other studio releases it and it makes something like $150M domestic, and then HBO’s board of directors get stern looks on their faces and call an emergency meeting.

Yep. I’d go see it in theatres because, if nothing else, eff David Zaslov.

I’ll definitely check it out if it doesn’t cost me anything extra, which is more than I would have said pre-kerfuffle.

Zazlov is probably worried about selling it for cheap. and then having it make mountains of cash. That would not be a good look for him.

Naughty, about a woman who decides that the only way to win a custody battle against her “gaslighting trash-bag ex” is to track down Santa Claus and have him testify on her behalf.

All I’m gonna say is I loved Booksmart and liked Don't Worry Darling.

I at least found this show, the few episodes I watched so far, to be pleasant enough and have some funny bits. Doesn’t equal the original of course, but I found many more laughs in it than any of the current batch of “traditional” style sitcoms out now. Though it still commits the sin of either having a completely

Can we please bury the word "franchise" to define *every* media IP? Frasier is a series. This is a revival. It's not a franchise (the original was a spin-off). I'm sick of seeing the word "franchise" abused in every damn article about a TV or film series.

Frasier really needs a peer to bounce off of. Lyndhurst is great at what he’s required to do, but it’s mostly just jokes about drinking and being a bad professor which makes a poor replacement for Niles.”

Huh. So you have to watch MORE than one episode of something to determine if a reboot of a show needs to be made.

I’ll take 24 straight hours of Freddie before I take another second of Anders Keith and his laborious, wildly dismaying lukewarm Niles impression.”

Hmm...I, too, watched the whole season and no, it is not “really funny.” “Occasionally chuckle-worthy” is the best I can give it. It’s not bad, but it’s a weird uncanny valley experience of watching almost but not quite Frasier-ish characters do almost but not quite Frasier-ish things. It tries its level best to bring

Agreed, and I enjoyed the original show’s run. But either Kelsey is just a piece of shit who truly does believe in what Trump does, or he’s being disingenuous to appeal to far right wing viewers, either way, right now I can’t look at his face without feeling disgust.

I’ll take 24 straight hours of Freddie before I take another second of Anders Keith and his laborious, wildly dismaying lukewarm Niles impression.

I remember how Cheers was at the bottom of the ratings in its first year, but NBC gave it chance after chance. Before long it was one of the top-rated shows of the 1980s, and blossomed into (IMHO) an underrated sitcom gem.

Tim Allen being an absolute asshole on set isn’t new. This is less about this specific incident and more just about confirming what’s been known for decades. He’s *notorious* for this.

You seem like you don't tip waiters

Grammar’s politics aside:

A few lines have made me genuinely laugh, which is more than I can say for any laugh-track sitcom in the past decade or so. That being said, I find this show to be so frustrating! The 1993 show was actually ahead of it’s time much like Cheers was before it. This, on the other hand, seems to be