
If they drop Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, we riot.

One of the first rules of being funny is "know the room." Yes, we all know people (and sometimes co-workers) who can handle these kinds of jokes and attitudes, but it doesn't mean that everyone should be subjected to them. 

It’s definitely mostly an act. He thinks breaking gives him a sort of “aw, shucks” vibe that’s charming. Really it just ruins whatever he’s in and is annoying as hell.

Just look at his time on SNL, he was constantly laughing throughout sketches, taking attention away from the rest of the cast.

I feel like networks are petrified of taking chances on late-night hosts, so they go for the most bland, milquetoast people they can find so grandma won’t be offended and will continue to repost clips on Facebook. It’s a completely dead genre, unfortunately. 

“We’re just eating a lot today and not caring about what we look like?”
“Ugh, lame. What is going on with you? You’ve outdone yourself.

It seems that “toxic workplace” is now merely a catch all term for places, people and industries that are both high stress and trying to maintain “high standards” (yes, that last term is subjective, clearly).

Didn’t Tracy Morgan warn Jimmy Fallon once that if he pulled any shit during his performance thst he’d fuck him up so he didn’t? Which means all that fucking around with other people was him deliberately being a self-aggrandising asshole?

Honestly, it’s not even that deep.  The easiest way to relieve the pressure in that kind of work environment is to hire more people.  But that cuts into profits, so instead we pretend that running that business is not for the weak, which is detrimental to everyone involved.

Perhaps a milquetoast late-night show should not even BE a high-stress environment

“We were very concerned about cancel culture at NBC due to Jimmy’s erratic other words, Jimmy was so seldom funny we were constantly worried about the show being cancelled...he’d make Taxi 2 with Iggy Azalea but what would happen to us?”

Could anyone have predicted that Jimmy Fucking Fallon would somehow host the Tonight Show for [check notes] almost ten years!? He’s such an insufferable hack, who is watching him?

Wow, it’s almost as if these high-stress environments expose people who don’t respond well to stress.

I mean, Jimmy Fallon is laughing at Jimmy Fallon’s jokes so...

Hey, maybe you can give some serious consideration of fucking yourself.

Jimmy goddamn Fallon is making fun of OTHER people for not being funny?

Didn’t there used to be a commenter on this site who went by that name? 9Showrunners9Years? They seemed okay.

How dare writers and work staff be paid enough to do more than eat scraps out of a dumpster. These unions are pure communism for working against the mega-wealthy, for sure.

Saturday, October 15, and Sunday, October 15, at 8 p.m.

This isn’t surprising. Back in the 20th Century shows like The Brady Bunch, Gilligan’s Island, and what not were successful. Before streaming, studios wanted their shows to last long enough for syndication. Back then it was pretty much the same story. A popular show ran a few seasons, got cancelled, but was still hit