
The looks Nadja gave to the camera, not to mention her sideways mouth face were Emmy gold! GOLD I SAY!

...for half a second, you suspect [Slattery] might have some ulterior motive, but no: He just really likes talking about accents.”

My favorite this episode was, “Fuck my old boots. Son of a bitch.”

I legitimately thought that John Slattery was going to be revealed as an energy vampire. That accent discussion and dissection sounds like something Colin Robinson would do if he ever thought of it. And... everyone who has ever been trapped in a conversation with an actor about his ‘craft’ knows that invoke the sort

I’m sorry I can’t remember the specific one I noticed last night, but I’m always amazed at how hard Berry works to very slightly mispronounce words that aren’t even the focus of the sentence.

I’m trying to imagine anyone else tossing off lines like Laszlo’s arrogant English nobleman. Only this guy could get away with it.

Colin’s description of his Vietnamese biking trip and the guy blown up into a tree with an Ox’s asshole around his neck like a necklace.
I’m appreciating these little irreverant touches reminiscent of former WWDITS seasons.

That croaked out of the way...

Fuck this article and, honestly, fuck you for writing it. This is a garbage take about nothing. He literally is saying nothing here. He didn’t get the movie, his opinion has no substance to it, this is NOTHING. This man does not have a single thought in his brain, as deeply proven yet again right here. FFS.

It’s almost as if Joe Rogan were a vacuous douchebag with no real expertise or strong opinion on any topic; a “go with the flow” kind of bro who routinely spouts a bunch of nonsense that millions of fellow vacuous bros find “entertaining.

*peeks at article*

how did she afford such a fancy glow-up?

Yeah, Devine seems to miss the real shift going on. It’s not that mid-budget comedies aren’t being made. It’s that they’re being made for a different forum. They’re going straight to streaming.

see i actually think seeing a good comedy in a packed house is 10x the experience of anything else.

Maybe don’t make aggressively shitty movies like The Outlaws?

I am not sure it is fair to lay all the blame at Marvel. Sure Marvel and super hero movies are a big part of the issue, but at the same time so are animated kids movies. I was a kid in the 80's and back then you got lots of classic comedies but maybe 1 or 2 animated kids movies a year that weren’t Disney re-releases.

Nope, it’s simpler than that.

Pretty much this, that studios consider anything less than a 100%+ ROI is the issue.  That and the creative accounting they do to also claim just about every movie they make is a money loser.

I think it’s also that movies are just so freaking expensive these days. It’s hard for a lot of people to muster up that kind of money to see something that doesn’t strictly *need* to be seen in a theater. It makes sense to go get all the special effects and loud noises of an action movie in a theater, but you might

Again for the people in the back: There’s no money in small profits!!