
Make the bellhop spinoff into a Busby Berkeley style musical, and I’ll be there opening night.

From what I’ve seen, chuds hate it because a woman is in it. Even worse, it’s a funny woman!

I mean,both of your counterexamples, Across the Spiderverse and Super Mario Bros movie are exactly the same type of sequel, reboot, remakes as Disney is putting out. So why did those do well?

I was going to ask what wokeness worked its way into Indy 5 for the right-wing hivemind to rail against, but I guess he’s back to punching Nazis, and that’s probably enough to arouse their ire.

I thought Dungeons & Dragons did well? It didn’t overperform but it had legs and good word of mouth, and they were already talking sequel by the end of opening weekend.

Everybody I know is hyped about the Barbie movie and is planning to see it in the theater. Even Spouse, a lifelong Indy fan, hasn’t mentioned this one once.

Ok, “the hype” around Barbie is real because you’re doing your part to create it—is there actual, legitimate hype around the movie, or is it just The Internet (and, let’s be real, specific corners of The Internet) creating it and wishing really hard?

Hey you! Get your damn logic off her(e)!

Disney hasn’t had a bonafide hit that didn’t require an asterisk this year.

Is Rise of the Beasts underperforming because of Disney? What about The Flash? What about Fast X? What about Dungeons & Dragons?

This movie performing poorly isn’t squarely on Disney. The previous film was awful, Harrison Ford is too old, and George Lucas still had input in the story. George Lucas shouldn’t be allowed near any beloved IPs at this point. Does anyone remember the Star Wars prequels? The man can world build, but he cannot write

I think it’s a combination of not wanting to see an 80 year old Indy and people remembering how terrible Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was. 

this is the kind of gormless naivete i’ve come to expect from latter-day av club

Enough with the knee-jerk use of the term “grooming.” It sure sounds like she was/is a manipulative asshole, but was she using her celebrity status to entice minors into sexual activities with her?

“From body shaming to being sexualized on stage” is not grooming. Oversharing, verbal abuse? Not grooming.

I’m not sure that TCM is what people want so much as easy access to the classic movies. Is this announcement simply making a promise that those who rely on the over-the-air cable channel will be able to keep doing what they’re doing?  Or is this a promise that the classic movies will not be removed from the Max

If Zaslav gave one shit about art and culture he wouldn't have stuffed "Max" with reality shows and garbage like that. And maybe not take 500k a day while everyone else gets fired. He's not doing a job worth 500k a day so save the "he earned that" nonsense. If I was making that while laying people off and canceling

My cautious optimism is paying off!

the problem with giving her an 8-figure deal is she’s gonna be stuck doing 8-figure deal projects. i think it’ll be quite a while before we see anything ‘real’ from her again.

i am a fan of hers, and therefore i am glad for all of her recent accolades in such high profile projects.

The word is bearish. Bullish means you support. And who the fuck is Dickson?