
The 2000 strike was JUST commercial actors. If a stoppage was called this time, it would be a full actor’s strike. The last time the full union went on strike was 1980.

“ attitude of absolute confidence paired with complete incompetence and klutziness like Sellers did, because nobody played it completely straight

Cathcart will always be Agent Olympia from Odd Squad in my house. My kids are obsessed with that show.

Everyone keeps calling Eddie Murphy a “comedic genius” but my lord is he ever terrible at picking his projects.

Who Framed The Nutty African Prince . . . In Beverly Hills?

I would enjoy seeing Murphy play a Clouseau, but I cannot stand the combo of live action and animation. It’s too distracting and WFRR was too gimmicky to be entertaining. 

“colored cat” - just a great decision to use this phrase, great job, raises all around

I’m not that skeptical over the full release schedule for Echo. Most audiences polled say they would rather wait for a show to finish the whole season and binge it than watch it weekly, and since trickling out The Mandalorian and Boba Fett led to nothing but weeks of bad word of mouth and mediocre audience numbers (to

Maybe Echo will be an Andor situation, where we’re all like, “Really? That character’s getting a show?” and then it’s amazing.

Will anyone notice or care? Network tv is fading away. I do miss the days of 23+ episode September to May new scripted TV that I grew up with.

Of course, unscripted shows fall outside of the WGA’s purview

I hope the writers strike the deal they’re looking for quickly, but I also remember how weird/dire tv got during the 2007 strike and, well, even “unscripted” reality shows have writers so I kind of just want to see how dire this content could get.

Given that weed is getting legalized all over, what exactly is the a Weeds reboot going to be about? The whole premise was this middle-class woman breaking the law to make ends meet.

Unless they are planning on shooting the exact same scripts, don’t they still need writers for a reboot?

This is nice - normally, some people wait a lifetime for an apology like this.

What I love about that Krusty line is that the invasion of the Falklands (except presumably on the Falklands themselves) is something that wouldn’t actually interrupt TV in reality in the way that major assassinations or terrorist attacks would. If the writers had used, say, the JFK assassination or something it

*Trebek gets a note from off-screen, reads it* “People, remain calm. The Falkland Islands have just been invaded. I repeat, the Falklands have just been invaded!”

In any broadcast form, true audience connection only comes with relatability - REALness. And Drew has had many years of practice to break through a ton of preconceptions about who she is. I’m sure it informs her approach.

It makes more sense financially for Disney to just keep them separate and charge people who want both twice. Kind of like in the grocery aisle, where you see a section of “competing” brands of identical food, and it turns out all the brands are owned by the same corporation.