
I almost don’t even care if this is actually good.  I’m going to watch it and I’m going to enjoy it pretty much regardless.  Probably because I’m about the same age as the muppet show myself...

Me reading this article: So they’re just replacing one actor. Why are they calling it a Whole New Thing?

This. They had a relationship, maybe a business partnership. But it was never a friendship. Mostly because Midge is an asshole. But also partly because Susie is stubborn (and not terribly good at business for most of the show). Midge views relationships as mostly transactional, a trait she picked up from her parents

Yup. All of Midge’s relationships are one sided. She doesn’t wake up in the morning and say “how can I use my ex-husband to further my career today?” but when she has a conflict and needs someone to take care of the kids so she can do a show, she knows she can call on him and he will say yes while at the same time she

It’s... fine, if you turn off your critical faculties. It looks great, for sure. Narratively it’s kind of inept, almost hilariously so. But you’re also not really missing a valuable experience if you don’t watch it.

And let’s be real: it was the acting that saved Wednesday. The writing, the whole arc for the season, was warmed over Harry Potter with some token queerbaiting for topicality (I’m still angry at how they misuse the concept of conversion therapy in a subplot). What made it all tolerable was the cast - Ortega, Emma

The tweets they’re referring to each have fewer than 200 likes each, I think this is avclub scrounging for drama

What a bunch of thin-skinned babies. I support their cause, but the idea that the script for a Netflix Addams Family revival is so sacrosanct that the star should be shamed for altering it is stupid. Writers are important, but bad writing exists.

Yeah the headline and slant of this article are weird.  I get wanting to be snark about the capitalist overlords, but it’s not like they didn’t expect to have scripts with no writers to work on.  They knew that.  The fact that they’re doing different things about it doesn’t mean they weren’t prepared.  

Oh, they were prepared. They urged writers to hurry up and do as much work as possible before the deadline, and they ordered fewer pilots than usual because they didn’t want to pay for the lease on studio space if a strike shut down production. Even this story sounds more like execs bragging that they have so many

Knowing that people get paid to write the jokes that appear on Real Time With Bill Maher actually makes me question supporting the WGA.

It’ll probably blow your tiny little mind to learn that we also support other causes, including helping the unhoused. It’s possible to do more than one thing, it turns out!

Writers’ strike or no, The Daily Show needs a full time hose they can rely on. It can make or break a lawn during the summer. 

We’re planning to take some coffee and donuts down to a picket line tomorrow morning. You can find picket schedules and locations here:

For an idea how this will turn out, watch the Season 1 finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was made very shortly before the 1988 writers’ strike was about to hit, so they just grabbed a first draft script off the pile and filmed it exactly as-is, and even with the generally crappy script quality that whole

Let’s Get It On is faster. The melody and lyrics are different. You can’t copyright a chord progression. It will be a disaster if he loses. And I doubt he will.

I know there are going to be a lot of “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!” comments, but Ed Sheeran is right. This lawsuit is bogus & Marvin Gaye’s family is ruining creativity in music with this bullshit.

This is a mixed bag. On one hand, you want Ed to win because of the copyright implications. On the other, you want him to lose so he quits music forever. Tough call.