
After watching The Lion King, I have no desire to see anymore “live action” Disney movies with just animals. Does anybody really want to see a photorealistic talking skunk?

I prefer the 2003 version of Peter Pan over what this trailer portends. Jason Isaacs played Mr. Darling and Captain Hook and he brought the snarl, along with Robert Plant’s hair.’s like what I’d expect of a parody trailer for a live action Peter Pan film.

As someone who enjoyed Lowery’s take on Pete’s Dragon, this looks like a big ol swing and a miss. It feels like a 10 years too late Pirates of the Caribbean-ified Peter Pan.

Of course. Especially after playing a pirate in Dodgeball

Remake Victory Through Air Power you cowards.

Having different actors for Captain Hook & Mr. Darling is going against tradition. How are children supposed to learn to have Oedipal complexes if the symbolic father is not defeated by the eternal boy?

Wait, dude why are you talking on Fox News? no no no no no no

Actually, the disabled community has A LOT of beefs with Family Guy, and his character is a big one. Regardless of your feelings one way or another, I guarantee you that he’s been criticized and asked to apologize about the show quite a bit.

It will continue until Baby Yoda merch is no longer profitable.

Yes, surely these two dudes love Paramount+ and give so much of a fuck where their shows streams as long as they get their money that they did these things. 

I just like that it’s been 25 years and every entertainment headline is still referring to Trey Parker and Matt Stone as “the South Park guys” as though they’re a couple of plucky young unknowns who are just getting started in this crazy business.

I’m not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and it seems like Warner has a good case.

many across the industry are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.”

Hard to call a show that is ending after 10 seasons “cancelled.

It’s been Zombie Goldbergs for 2 seasons now if not four. 

It sucked for Clint because it featured a bunch of his now-dead friends and he’s suffering PTSD from all the shit he’s gone through.

This used to be my go-to sitcom, but i’ve got them piling up on my DVR this year, and frankly the quality has been dipping precipitously for several seasons now. So it’s probably well past time for this show to graduate and go to NYU film school.

It’s about time. The characters have been pretty aimless this season.