
I think that “No way home” was better than meh, and that there were a lot of mehs before Endgame, and that the main problem is that, before Infinity War, all the mehs were at least building towards something.

Look, I’m happy the Venture Bros. is getting a conclusion. But regardless, it needed to end. It’s been 20 years. Publick, Hammer, and the voice actors aren’t going to be around forever. Give us one last hurrah, and let the cast ride off into the sunset.

Ordinarily, I’d be concerned about the Zaslav Effect, but I just watched Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm on HBO Max this morning, so maybe The Zas has a soft spot for the Adult Swim golden era.

I was sold on this show the moment Brock rammed his hand up a henchman’s asshole, ostensibly looking for his car keys, and then used the impaled guy like a tennis racket to beat down his colleagues.

Does Disney+ cancel things? Most of what I’ve watched from them have been mini-series so it hasn’t really come up- or I hadn’t noticed. (Edit: They cancelled The Right Stuff. It wasn’t bad, but it was so serious it felt off-brand for Disney)

Disney has been putting some VERY middling stuff like this that it advertises as if it’s at all worthy of being compared to most of its competition. We’re relatively lucky that the MCU stuff, and Mandalorian and Andor, was as quality as it was (ymmv of course).

My god, what will kids have on in the background during sick days after The Price Is Right

I would love it if they scrapped Season 2 of The Santa Clause, and then Tim Allen could complain about Disney ‘cancelling’ him while simultaneously working on Toy Story 5.  

That movie didn’t have any old beardy white dudes in it. Dude better be playing Jumba.

On the one hand I love how Star Wars is going back to its Saturday matinee serial origins, with it’s weekly 20 to 30 minute cliffhangers, but on the other hand I still miss that grand cinematic experience. And I don’t even mean trilogies, one-offs are great too.

Fucking hell.  Lucas doesn’t even own the franchise anymore, and we still have to watch it based on his preferences!?  Just let people watch Star Wars how they wanna watch it.

Lets just stick with the TV shows for a while, no? Theres still the whole, “What the hell do we do with the train wreck(story wise) of the last trilogy?”. That has to be decided before they can make new movies. Unless they are brave enough to start an entirely new saga, sans Skywalkers.

I would pay to see the original cuts of the original films, although I think part of Lucas’ deal selling to Disney is they can’t release any of the theatrical cuts without his Special Edition edits. He won’t even give the original prints to the National Archive (and they refuse to accept the altered cuts he gave them)

Do they “have to?” Not really. Considering the franchise has gone 10 and 15 years between movies before and still made lots of money.

It’s not so much the filming of the projects. With a big production they can take their time, edit lots, make lots of takes. They probably could have hidden his condition for longer.

Big productions however require promotion. Talk shows. Interviews. Public appearances. None of which poor Bruce would have been remotely

I thought I read somewhere also that his roles in recent years were chosen more on the basis of just acting while he still can, so it looked like more quantity over quality.

It’s the end of an era of a tv show I’ve never seen! *raises glass in toast*

I could slightly understand if they wanted to lean closer to the books, they are significantly different.

I have to wonder at what point does it start to significantly bad for your health when clauses like this are put in contracts as in how much alteration (and for how long), what kind of alteration and not just in her case either.

I'm pretty sure the day her episode of ‘The Muppet Show’ first aired is the day I started puberty.