
Fawlty Towers is very funny but it’s also almost universally loved, and one pretty widely-accepted (including by Cleese himself, previously) reason for the near unanimous positive opinion it enjoys is the fact that it ended before it wore out it’s welcome.

what a bitter old piece of shit who is hellbent on tarnishing his legacy 

There is nothing so powerful as a bad idea whose time has come.

Oh sure. John K abused his employees for YEARS, but no one felt like they could speak up about it publicly because he was John F-ing K.

You clearly don’t interact with a lot of 55+ white men, because this shit is their jam. I only started watching it in the first place because my boss told me that it was “the best show of all time” and I kinda have some leftover 90's nostalgia for Costner. It’s fine. It’s basically hours and hours of people just

Tuesday’s are like $8 and change here. I don’t go to AMC, it isn’t convenient enough travel-wise and doesn’t offer a decent discount.

There are too many seasons of Yellowstone, please get rid of three. I am not a crackpot.”

I just found out Yellowstone existed this year. There are 5 seasons and 3 spin-offs with another in the works? There is too much TV being created.

We come to this place, for gouging.
We come to AMC Theaters to laugh, to cry, to pay a premium to avoid a neck injury.
Because we need that, all of us.
That indescribable feeling we get, when the nerves in our spine go numb,
And we go someplace we’ve never been before, like an ATM so we can afford to avoid the ER.

“We’ve got to do something to stem our declining revenue problems! What if we triple-down on twenty-years of making the movie-going experience so viscerally unpleasant and expensive that we’ve produced a customer base with virtually no brand loyalty?”

The only AMC near me has been closed multiple times in the past few months for health code violations and has a godawful parking lot. They’re gonna need to apply that value pricing to all the seats to get me into that nightmare theater again.

Modern movie theaters Steps to success:

Talk about a free refill.

Well, this brilliant action should have the streaming services shaking in their boots.

As long as there’s plenty of competition so that audiences can go to competing theaters to see the same movie if they don’t like how AMC does things.

and for an extra dollar, you can use the restroom

AMC: “We realize that many people prefer to watch new movies at home, so we’re lowering ticket prices for the worst seats in the theater for our more, ahem, budget-conscience patrons. Hopefully this will encourage people to come back to the movies.”

like, even completely removing the horrible abuse stuff (that both he did and his father did to him) the MJ story particularly interesting? sure, he did interesting things, but, for example, is watching him being taught to moonwalk by a choreographer going to be a huge movie moment?

Jesus ... now we’re using nepo baby just anywhere? The newspaper is a privately-owned business so just LET IT GO already.