
The most I’ve been able to unearth about this movie supposedly being “controversial, to say the least” was an actor from Mean Girls who used the movie to express his frustration at not being cast in things. So... can you maybe say more?

Look its my favorite film, it means a lot to me, but I think I'm gonna pass.  Just about every other adaptation post 1991 is kind of a mess, the 2017 version especially is heinous and frankly this could only go up in comparison.  But that's not saying much, sorry Shania, your not Angela Lansbury rest her soul.

This isn’t a very “AV Club” headline. Let me have a go:

But Jezebel said everyone was “stan’ing” them. Almost like people don’t feel like waking up and having infidelity shoved down their throats every morning. Robach will land okay, Holmes will end up reading entertainment news at some 5th rate streamer on ch 1467 on Roku. 

Thank you, once again, to the AV Club for telling me just what and how I should feel about everything.

It is an actor’s curse to frequently be taken out of context, but the full picture doesn’t look much better for Ortega than the snippet of a quote.

I mean, she’s saying retrospectively she knew it was her first day of Covid. There’s nothing to say exactly who was giving her medicine or who knew what at what time and making her into the bad guy for telling an anecdote is silly. Frankly, I don’t work on a movie set, but our policy was pretty much the same - someone

I’m older than most of the people who post here. My mom read about a new show called “Sesame Street” when I was six years old, and I clearly remember her sitting me down in front of the TV to watch the very first episode. Bob was always a personal favorite, but I enjoyed the whole damn thing. There was a kind-hearted

It’s amazing how tame the Sesame Street Muppets are now compared to when Jim Henson was in charge. They lost part of their madcap energy with his passing, and it has gradually faded over the years.

RIP - Bob came to my company’s Bring Your Child to Work Day in 2017 and was amazing with all the kids. Even the most rambunctious ones were calmed and entranced by his songs and stories. He even took the time to talk to each of them while he signed photos and gave out CD’s to everyone. I spent some time with him while

May his ability to tolerate bullshit from the Muppets continue to inspire future generations.

He did the same in Winnipeg for the Lions Club Telethon. 

Sesame Street had a profound effect Gen X and Millennials. Both demographics were raised in front of the television, cartoons at breakfast, Sesame Street for lunch, and sitcoms for dinner. I distinctly remember Bob McGrath and am sad to here of his passing, from what I’ve read he led a full life and had an impact on

I was a little touched that the article mentioned Saskatchewan. Bob showed up for TeleMiracle, an annual telethon to raise money for children in need for over three decades. As a child, he was always a highlight. As an adult, it was always appreciated that he would make time for a charity in a sparsely populated

The man didn’t just influence a generation. Many of the kids who watched McGrath in that first season are grandparents now. That’s a great legacy.

I haven’t thought about Bob from Sesame Street for years, but just seeing his face above brings up such a profound combination of feelings and memories that most of my favorite actors will never reach.

“Christmas Eve on Sesame Street” is a yearly watch in the Gorilla household. It’s going to be melancholy this year. R.I.P.

“Greatest Films Of All Time” ...

Disney owns the Muppets too, you know. They could do a cross-theming where Kermit falls for the transformed Tiana and then she and Miss Piggy get into a catfight. Er, frogpigfight.

I’m pretty sure they are mainly changing the little puppets and songs, not replacing the ride. Also, Disney is a well-diversified company worth over a hundred billion, so redecorating a couple rides shouldn’t harm your precious stock. Take your financial concern-trolling elsewhere.