
I’ll be honest, I was secretly hoping that all the leak hypes were just trolling and that Zach Levi’s Shazam was who actually shows up in the end credits.

It’s funny how the DC movies have been mired in attempts to reboot, but also carry over some stuff, but also put out bits and pieces that stand alone, but also lean into them and weave them back into the tangle, but also kind-of undo the reboots, and so forth.

In a ballpark figure if it’s a 200 million dollar movie with a 200 million dollar marketing budget (holy shit have they ever been advertising it), it’ll need something like 600 million dollars to break even. That seems unlikely unless word of mouth is amazing. 

Eccleston is probably the best in terms of characterisation, but off the camera fallings out prevented more than one series.

He’s playing the Fourteenth Doctor (yes, it’s not Tenth revival), it’s likely because of degeneration mentioned in tonight’s episode, he’s back officially to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BBC and the 60th anniversary of the show but in reality it’s to wash the bad taste of the last few years of terrible

Businesses are protective of their revenue streams.

Deal or No Deal was the stupidest TV show of all time and it’s weird that anyone would even bother to leap to its defense

IIRC, they had 20 or so people whose job consisted solely of holding briefcases and maybe handing them to somebody when their number was called. They were all women. They were all physically attractive. They were all dressed the same. It’s pretty much a lesson in “how to objectify women.” Just because the women knew

despite all of the quality gags that the show pulls from hyper-focused parodies of famous documentaries, Mirren doesn’t seem to have much faith in her own ability to be funny


And when Neilsen forgot that and acted in on the joke (as in the awful Dracula: Dead and Loving It) it just didn’t work. He has to be the straight man.

I get it. She hosts Doc Now completely seriously, as though it’s a real series. Which, of course, is what makes it so hilarious. But the funny comes from the fact that she’s a very serious actress completely playing it straight. I love her work, but I can’t really think of a time she made me laugh uproariously.

It’s the “10pm block” on the coasts, but doing away with them seems very misguided for the two timezones in the middle of the country.

CBS can’t lose that hour. When would they air “Generic Police Procedural # 127, 128, 129, 130, and 131?"

Aside from those already mentioned, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Up in the Air, Burn After Reading, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, and Three Kings all qualify. In addition to the eight or nine already listed.

This was shot in Australia.

You can’t get refunds on airline tickets. You just get credits you’ll never use.

Going solely by the headline, I was expecting a Jeopardy! style rotating host arrangement that pisses everyone off.

I hear Mike Richards is available.