
I imagine they’ll get hacked up a bit to fill the timeslot, so better to stick with the streaming version.

Movies/TV: Hey, queer people exist.

I think his return was a clear reminder that he’s still an executive whose goal is to make money.

I don’t put stock in anyone with a “go woke, go broke” mentality.

You’re a loser.

They’ve had a Boomerang paid streaming site since 2017, full of various old cartoons (mainly H-B, but a lotta Looney Tunes/Tom & Jerry/etc.). They even made a few original series for it. But I don’t think they’ve added any new things for a long while and when HBO Max launched, I wondered why they even bothered keeping

I’m surprised a cable network in 2023 even has that much money at its disposal.

They may own it, but I think there are still problems with having to license them from a particular division. Like last year when they took off a bunch post a certain year (I don’t recall), but the explanation was this:

I’m sure they’ll go on the Boomerang streaming app, which I genuinely can’t believe they’re still operating.

I heard the members of the Police did the same. They’re always saying “Don’t stand so close to me.”

I just saw it yesterday and yes, not very great. The talking animal sidekick is very ham-fisted and literally has no actual character; just primed to be made into a stuffed animal.

Hey, Joey Joe Joe!

I enjoyed the movie. She’s easily the best part of it. Without her, I doubt I would have liked it as much.

They instead had a “news” article collecting videos from some of the sketches “written” by the “staff.”

Frozen 2, IIRC, was like totally re-written like a year before it was supposed to come out or something.

People associate art with the people directly involved. No matter how much executives try to influence projects, no layman will associate them with any movie, show, music, etc.

It’s gonna be kinda sad if this movie turns out to be really bad after all.

Lorenzo Music is just impossible to duplicate, but I agree; Pratt doesn’t sound wrong enough to be total miscasting.

Their best one - Good Variant - is no longer on yt and it makes me sad.

I guess this is in lieu of a review?