
Disney should take a bigger cue and try to do something different animation-wise. All the movies (starring humans) since Tangled look exactly the same.

Bingo. I’m no fan of that either.

That’s when I go. I’m surprised how few people take advantage of that; there’s usually no more than 10 people in the theater with me, and sometimes I’m the only one. I guess it has to do with being a weekday.

Spaceballs sums it up perfectly.

I’m not sure that holds water when you can literally watch any of those things at any time still because of streaming/home video/they’re probably on same cable channel right now.

The TCM hub is some old movies, and then “classics” from all eras. The stuff you can watch on the channel is a bit of a wider variety of stuff, IMO.

She’s the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!

And surely it costs less to pay royalties for older material than to make totally new stuff?

Huh. Maybe this whole “putting all our media eggs in the streaming basket” idea wasn’t so good after all.

It’s being reported that the staff of about 90 people who work for TCM got cut down to 20. So, not good!

Hmmm. It’s like so weird how none of the news about the WBD cuts have been about things pertaining to Discovery’s side of things. I can’t fathom why...

Yeah, I don’t love it as much as a lot of people do. The great stuff is great - the music, Tim Curry, Richard O’Brein’s insane vocals. Everything else does nothing for me.

I never really wanted to go to one of these things because of pretty much what you say - it’s a lot of stuff going on and I’d rather just watch the movie. I went for the first time last year when I found out a local theater did one every other weekend. Aside from the commotion, my only problem was that going on your

TCM is great. Don’t fuck that up.

How does the weekend box office not count Sunday?

Yeah I remember when the season finale happened, someone here suggested the vampire biting him would like immediately die or something.

I suspect this could be a similar stunt other companies have pulled where they order X amount of episodes upfront, then put them out as “seasons” even though they’re technically not; that’s what Netflix did with Cuphead. And it pretty much screws over everyone involved since they don’t get raises or anything for a new

I only made it through 1.5 episodes. I don’t dislike the idea and concepts behind the show, it’s just the execution did not work from what I saw.

Good, drinking is stupid.

Oh wow, I forgot about The Wonder Years. Guess it’s not a great sign they were pushed to the summer season.