
I think that might have been Gunsmoke, which went for like 400+ episodes. MASH was “king of the old hill” for its last episode being the most-viewed TV program until some recent SuperBowl.

A friend of mine started rewatching the original show, and it inspired me to watch some as well, and I laughed a whole lot.

That’s *Little* Nicky.

One more season until they add Baby Nicky!

Saw it last night; not bad!

I don’t think actual Latino/a people use that term.

Hold on, TV shows can get renewed still??

Drunk History is definitely an easy comparison to make.

Can’t be worse than Spaceballs: The Animated Series!

Yeah, if it were a “reboot,” they’d’ve started with a new First Doctor instead of continuing the established line.

In my mind, a true “reboot” is a total reset of continuity, like say, the My Little Pony shows.

Has there been any *good* news as a result of this merger?

That was May 2018, and there’s been 30 episodes since then.

This is news. It is good. One might be so bold as to call it good news.

It’s so hackey at this point.

Naw, the prequel’s about the shark he eventually jumps.

They kinda did that with the Venture Bros. spoof, where the Shaggy character is the only one who can hear the dog and is on the brink of sanity because of it.


Yeah, where’s Kate Pierson at on this list?

The PeakTV bubble is bursting?