
I think they mean the episodes themselves are longer, like over an hour.

Murray from FOTC as a pirate has tons of potential.

Crew Meeting!

Yeah, that’s how my friends and I see it. It’s far from awful, nowhere near great.

Yeah, it’s not like Bonkers or Darkwing Duck where they were made from scratch.

It’s not really even 2D, as far as the Rescue Rangers are concerned; they’re like a cel-shaded CGI model.

Are you sure this wasn’t a Family Guy skit?

There’s also MC Skat Kat, whose owned by...Paula Abul’s label?

The voice acting is what I expected. The concept, not at all.

Tbf, the Modern Family creators said they kinda gave up on the show being an actual mockumentary and is just mimicking the style of one.

Nothing will ever top that In Living Color special that stole virtually the entire viewing audience away from the actual halftime show.

Jake & Amy on B99 was handled so well.

A show based on a bad movie wasn’t coming together? You don’t say?

The CC run was shaky for sure (like the lame Apple spoof or the Obama “Earth certificate” thing) but there were some decent enough episodes (like the fantastic time machine episode).

Oh jeez, Stephen Colbert is involved in that crappy-looking CC show?

No more NFTs.

I’m guessing this is going to be the trend from now on - if there’s a big movie Disney thinks can bring in lots of cash from being in theaters (like Encanto or any MCU thing), it will. Smaller movies like this will go straight to Disney+ to avoid any “Odd Life of Timothy Green” box office bombs.

I watched all of Buffy/Angel in 2020 and I did not give a damn about their relationship at all. It wasn’t until Angel turned up in the finale of Buffy that I was like, “Oh, hey has a personality now.”

It’s good for what ails ya’!

Surely you mean “ass do I have put my foot into?”