
She’s also back!

Abbot Elementary does just enough to not feel like a total Office clone. I hope it can stick around for a bit.

Your top pic is a two minute trailer?

I always thought it was strange that two Always Sunny actors got their own shows that were both “This person who should not be in charge of kids is now in charge of kids.”

I find it somewhat interesting that this same story was done just 10 years earlier in Princess O’Rourke with Olivia de Havilland, right down to the princess and love interest meeting because she was drugged to sleep.

Great news for fans of Sledge Hammer!

It’d be nicer to see it done in full traditional animation style and not the Homestar Runner way.

That makes me sad.

Do teachers find this show funny because “it’s so true we’re underfunded!” or do they find it depressing because “it’s so true we’re underfunded...”?

I like ‘em too.

Anyone else watching Abbot Elementary? I think it has potential.

I’m kinda surprised how little Drac’s new wife has been in the promos.

Smell ya later

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this channel until now.

It is disappointing, especially because Disney still does it with their own animated features.

That’s a bit of a bummer, but I get it. At least they were able to rake in a bunch of money from Spider-Man.

Jane the Virgin was good too.

Good gravy

There’s that Penn and Teller show? And Whose Line, which for the last couple of years has just been stuff from pre-COVID taping sessions that didn’t make it to air right away.