
Sure why not.

I was watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” on NBC a couple of weeks ago and it felt like every other commercial was for this movie.

SING is just the Muppets but with unfunny characters with more emotional baggage.

Glad the Muppets made the cut! The special isn’t exactly the greatest (too much solo John Denver stuff). And they had the chance to give us the Electric Mayhem’s great cover of “Little Saint Nick” but instead gave us John Denver in a lengthy tin soldier dance number.

I think this may be as strong a signal as any that this should be the last season.

That’s kinda what my reaction was since the first couple of episodes. You have Sam and Bucky off dealing with super soldiers, Wanda vs. an evil powerful witch, and Hawkeye’s biggest problem at the time was having o deal with a bunch of nerds.

That scene between Yelena and Kate was gold. I do hope they can stick around in the MCU.

The Nanny beat them to the punch many years prior (with 2D rather than 3D, but whatever).

That’s honestly the feeling I’ve gotten from these MCU shows. I’ve enjoyed watching them for the most part (Falcon & Winter Soldier was the weakest), but they can’t help but feel like spliced-up movies.

I’m surprised at how non-news/sports cable channels are still plugging along with actual new shows despite many of them being just sitcom/movie marathon machines. Like, I had no idea Game Show Network was actively still making new game shows.

I mean, it would have been very interesting to say the least.

Supposedly they try to get the films on their original format. So it’s possible they might get the OG cut.

Oh, right. I forgot he’s on Home Economics.

Perhaps he stayed up late to catch it on Vault Disney on the Disney Channel?

Oh, it’s a Paramount+ exclusive? That explains why this is the first I’ve ever heard of it.

Have you seen it?

Look out for the canopy drawing of Queen Vicoria!

I mean, that all depends on what his out-of-pocket maximum is.

The writer is probably under the assumption that people reading this review have also seen the episodes.

I loved the sequence of Clint and Kate just bumming around the apartment doing Christmas-y stuff.