
I rewatched Bewitched last year and he was the worst actor; I had no idea what kind of direction he was being given, but it was wrong at every turn.

I liked Billy Crystal and Christopher Knight’s Willie and Frankie, who just talk about the dumb ways they’ve injured themselves and act like it’s something that just happens like stubbing your toe.

And the joke of Pat is definitely something that wouldn’t fly well today.

You know what I was perfectly fine with? The Toy Story characters living on in little shorts or TV specials, not more movies.

I’ve read the biography about Mel, but I’ll definitely have to check out this new book.

Bugs would just pull out an umbrella and be fine.

Take another little chunk of my lung now, mister!

There’s literally a 30 Rock story arc about this very same thing.

I was thinking the same thing.

“Must you dump on everything we do?”

It’s almost like a wackier Drew Carey Show without the family dynamic.

I would advise him to watch out for any trees.

Aw, what a shame.


It was renewed for season 4, but highly doubt they’ve even gotten around to writing let alone filming.

There’s a few shows now/coming out that seem to be doing FBF (Animaniacs, the new Harriet the Spy show for Apple), but yeah, the “rigged puppets” method makes me sad. It works for Homestar Runner, but these big companies should be able to do better.

I think those new Mickey Mouse shorts they’ve been doing use the technology well enough too. I guess it might have to do with the fact that those are a fraction of the running time of a regular TV show episode, so they can put a little more time and effort into it. They’re also hyper stylized, compared to the same-y

In terms of animated programming, Flash-ish animation used to be reserved for the likes of [adult swim] or some cable channel. Now it’s become the norm and that’s sad.

I only get notifications now if someone replies to my comment, no more star ones.

I’m guessing it’s not a easy for the creative team to sustain a 7-minute short with no English dialogue than a 3 and a half-minute one which ends up being mostly visual gags anyway.