
Freshman year high school, some of the drawing classes to a field trip to an art place and this was, for some reason, the movie chosen to watch on the bus ride.


Funny, she doesn’t look Nancy Drewish.

The only things I remember about Skyfall are the title song and there’s a scene where Bond sets up a bunch of Home Alone-esque traps.

I was watching Angel earlier last year and the same kind of issues popped up from time to time, like this:

There’s a couple where the off-screen adults actually speak intelligibly (one of the sports-heavy ones, as I recall). The Pied Piper one has adults in full view, but it’s a fairy tale thing so it doesn’t really count. 

Say what you will about that special, but that title track is an absolute banger.

The OG New Year’s special I remember being very depressing but I don’t remember exactly what happened in it.

Yup - Christmas, Great Pumpkin, and It’s the Girl in the Red Truck.

SCHMIGADOON is  adequate.

Sesame Workshop owns the characters now. The Henson Company is still involved with making puppets, props, costumes, and such, but that’s the extent of their involvement.

Great video! It’s nice to see these up-and-coming Muppet performers get a chance to shine.

That’s funny considering Galaxy’s Edge was Disney’s response to Universal’s Harry Potter areas.

Really, they did away with free Magic Bands? Sheesh. I was at WDW in 2019 and it seems like everything’s gone to pot since then.

Depends. Two nights? Seems a bit much. If I could do, like, a two-week cruise for that much then that’s a little more reasonable.

He miscounted the men!

Political comedy hasn’t done anything for me since Trump got elected, and I think it’s because it’s just not working. Republicans have stopped caring about being perceived as hypocritical and such, so the ol’ “So-And-So said this today, but said this in 2006" standby doesn’t affect them. 

Yeah, I’m not sure the “blacklash” angle works they way they want it to.

Won’t Neil Simon be thrilled.