
I liked the idea behind zombified superheroes and focusing on an irregular bunch of characters. But the problem with this show, I think, is that there is never a clear act structure to any of the stories; things just happen, then other things happen, then more things happen until it kinda ends. This ending was super

Really trying to steal the thunder from Muppets Haunted Mansion.

Depends on the theater. I saw “In the Heights” at an AMC IMAX and the previews, theater promos, etc. were excruciatingly long. My local, mom-and-pop theater usually only runs 8 minutes of previews/promos/etc. The pre-pandemic owners used to run all the trailers and crap before the scheduled start time so that the

It came out on Thursday, so wouldn’t Sunday be day #4?

I’m certain there’s plenty of places where there’s no theaters open either.

Pretty much same. I saw the viral clip of the dogs killing her mom and expected it to be not great (as with most of the live-action movies based on old cartoons they’ve been doing lately). But when I went to see it, I was surprised by how not bad it was.

I feel like we already an oldest vampire character?

I haven’t seen the Lion King remake yet, but it seems that it adheres so close to the original that there’s not a lot to complain about beyond “why does this exist?”

I haven’t seen this remake yet, but I did see the clip of “Can’t Wait to be King.” And man, why to take a visually creative sequence and just turn it into...animals running around.

The thing that strikes me the most about the recent remakes is that the OG animated films were like THE tentpole film for the company each year. Then they just went and released three remakes within one year.

I love that line so damn much.

If only there was some kind of free vaccine he could’ve taken...

Looked up some pics and you’re right, they are cropped. But at least they’re going from the original open matte and not just cropping the 4:3 image.

I don’t think the HD Seinfeld is cropped in anyway; they opened the matte to allow the picture to be 16:9. If you can, look up on YouTube the videos about how Buffy was restored in basically the same way and it severely fucked up a lot of things (Angel too).

I think people tend to overlook that TDS had tons of writers behind it, not just Jon. 

It kinda did launch a series; there was a Disney Junior series based on the movie a couple of years ago-ish. It only lasted one season, it seems.

Saw this back in 2018 and dang, it was really good. I had seen that lousy Jimmy Buffett jukebox musical the week before, so I’m hoping a rewatch will prove this show was actually good because of its contents and not as a palette cleanser.

If I had the choice, I’d take the “Family Guy” style of animation over the Flash-based kind (i.e. that Magic School Bus reboot). This looks like the former.

Drunk Amy!

Because they’re the people closest to him? Also, he’s still a teenager, therefore doesn’t think rationally when it comes to emotions?