
I don’t imagine we’ll get any answers from the MCU films coming out this year outside of a post-credit scene or something.

I think it’s closer to latter. The giant statue wasn’t there before, so it might be an altered timeline or an alternate universe.

For me it would be hard to say. Every episode felt like a totally different animal. I don’t think any kind of conclusion would have been “satisfying.” I liked what we got for the most part (I’m thinking maybe COVID has something to do with its structure, because it was a LOT of people sitting and talking) and the

Agreed. HBO Max makes it pretty easy to find things too; you can even look up individual episodes of shows, which the other big streamers don’t do.

Just the first half; they’ve been recently doing this thing where they add the current shows’ seasons in batches after enough have aired rather than wait until the whole season is through.

Because why not give kids something of value instead?

If you wanna be technical, they’ve been doing that since the 1930s.

Oh, he’s subbing; gotcha. I thought they were rebooting his old show again.

I was not into this episode at all; you nailed it right there.

The fact that the headline is in reverse order of the header image greatly confused me.

And he supposedly wrote the music for the Sesame Street movie that probably won’t happen.

I saw some ad for it the other day and was intrigued; I totally would have forgotten though had I not seen this article right now.

“Words, Words, Words,” I’m guessing, helped bring him into the mainstream.

I liked the whole thing (his impersonation of a Twich streamer was on point), but I certainly wouldn’t disagree with anyone who suggested making it an even hour instead of 90 minutes.

Who’s “we”?

Not being a Marvel expert, I thought it was just a tiny Thor, not a frog.

I love Frasier, but man do I have 0% interest in this.

Kinda reminds me of that sitcom from a few years ago where Zach Braff’s job was the owner of a podcast network or something.

I don’t mean the mise-en-scene of it all, but the character designs. There are some outliers (Wreck-It Ralph and Big Hero 6-ish), but there really isn’t any unique style to Disney’s CGI output since Tangled. Like, Sleeping Beauty looks a helluvalot different than, say, 101 Dalmatians. Frozen, Tangled, Moana, they all

Looks pretty neat, though design-wise it looks virtually like all the other CGI Disney films.