
I mean, the spring-summer were down for productions, but haven’t a lot of things started up again since the fall? It doesn’t quite feel like news that shows/movies have managed to get back in production again.

See that and the other episodes trying to be topical (like that “Earth certificate” one, sheesh) didn’t work as well for me.

Do you know how many episodes of Billy on the Street that could’ve given us instead? Like, 10,000+

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The title sounds like one of those fake Simpsons shows, such as

I have a like-dislike thing with Wonder Showzen. I think since I like Sesame Street so much, I can digest the randomness of the show a little more than normal. There are definitely some funny bits, but any time it veers into “hey, let’s just annoy the viewer for our own laughs, not theirs” it becomes just that. Like

I appreciate the “Great News” shout-out. It was pretty much “grocery store brand 30 Rock,” but that still made it very funny.

Hey, if they made a movie where aging Fred Astaire can land young Audrey Hepburn...

I don’t have Disney+,  so I haven’t seen the show, but I hear it’s actually better than expected?

Yes, that’s the one (she also wrote the music for it).

It’s a TV series, not a film.

Well, Sara Baraellis has been a pretty famous singer-songwriter for nearly two decades.

The TMS animation is excellent.

This is the best Looney Tunes movie, and barely even features any of the actual LT characters.

So, does that mean Cap *wasn’t* able to restore the Tesseract to that timeline?

Get outta here, Gene Shallit!

At least the first Space Jam wasn’t afraid to actually be based around the Looney Tunes. Throwing in the other WB IPs shows they don’t believe the Toons’ got the strength to carry the film.

You say “so easily” for Sharon, but it’s been like 10 years, maybe more, in-universe since we’ve seen her.

Hey, it’s at least more than Napoleon Dynamite or Sit Down, Shut Up got!

Don’t you be callin’ Kermit the Frog awful garbage!

The rise of Flash-ish animation used for actual mainstream programming and not just Newgrounds nonsense is disappointing.