
I mean, they have old Mickey Mouse Club episodes up there, no?

I wonder how they’re gonna handle the Johnny Cash episode; there’s a big ol’ Confederate flag in the background the whole show.

Gum Drunk Vision reminds me of a British Charlie Day.

Everybody should be watching The Dick Van Dyke Show.

That’s probably why I’m looking forward to it too.

As a casual fan of the MCU, this is the only one of the shows I’m interested in.

Jimmy Olsen would like a word. And a picture.

She must have vivid memories of So Little Time or Two of a Kind, then.

I don’t know about you, but I would love to watch a football game where they’re dropping anvils on the players or giving each other birthday cakes with dynamite for candles.

No, that’s just internet nonsense. 99% of online fan theories are useless.

Sure, because the Carrie Diaries went over so well...

2020 will keep on bringin the hurt until it’s over, it seems. What a sad loss.

Yeah, got that vibe too. Except Spin City was moreso about Michael J. Fox’s deputy mayor (and then Charlie Sheen, I guess) than the actual mayor, and this looks a little flip-flopped.

Because time is an artificial construct, much like himself.

That Mayim Bialik sitcom looks really bad. The whole mugging to the camera thing will get really old really fast.

Glad he’s getting the help he needs.

I can’t see in 30+ years people doing covers of Jay-Z or LMFAO or whoever is the hot meal ticket of the minute. I think people years from now are still gonna do covers of things like “Moon River” or “Hey Jude,” but nobody’s gonna touch “Anaconda” without having to make it some ironic, PostModern Jukebox-esque thing.

Yeah, it originally came from a pretty sad part of Meet Me in St. Louis. I wonder who made it radio-friendly?

They also CGI’d out Daryl Hannah’s bare butt in Splash.