

I’ve never seen any L&S, so that was my first exposure to that character (I can still here him go “’Cause nobody’s watchin’ you clowns”!)

3rd Rock is such an underrated sitcom; consistently hysterical.

Huh. I wonder if this is any indication of the future of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Have they started production on that yet? Last I saw it wasn’t even scheduled yet by NBC as to when it might air.

A little disappointing, but not very surprising. I’m curious how they’ll bring it all home though.

65 episodes is the sweet number they wanted to hit a lot of the time, but some really popular shows were able to escape that (the OG DuckTales and That’s So Raven, which might be their only live-action show to do that?)

I got mad Enchanted vibes from the trailer, but also Noelle, which is another Disney+ original movie about waify magical girl experiencing the real world.

I mean at that point, they might as well just wait until after the holidays to restart.

Horton is probably the least bad of the Seuss film adaptations, but that really isn’t saying much.

More Suess adaptations need Peter Lorre fish shooting themselves.

I had the PlayStation tie-in game for this movie. It’s not very good either, but at least don’t do any of the Jim Carry shtick in it.

I noticed there was something something a bit off too. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bit of digital fine-tuning to account for their change in voices. Rob is getting over throat cancer, so it’s a miracle he can still deliver like he can. I also suspect that may be why Dot is a little more of the prominent

If Pete Davidson is the modern-day equivalent of James Stewart, God help us all.

Never saw the first movie, but I do kinda like the nontraditional character designs. The new family in this one looks like every other CGI character in other movies, which is disappointing.

I always found Ridiculousness to be “assholes being assholes while watching YouTube.” Kel and Office Lady strike me as being above this kind of thing.

I am not a fan of these creatures.

I’m a little further in and there are definite flashes of “This feels like the old show” from time to time, but I think there’s too much “wink-wink, nudge-nudge” from the Warners IMO (also, age has really hampered all their performances, sad to say).

All the humans have the worst designs and have the most off animation. It’s baffling.

I prefer Lord Bravery; essentially Monty Python in the guise of a superhero sketch.

I wish they found a name other than Cindy. Sounds too close Mindy, the precocious child character they’re not bringing back.