
I’m glad this exisits.

re point 2: There is still 2D animation, but it’s all pretty much the cheap Flash way of animating (i.e. that Magic School Bus reboot). Makes me very concerned with how that Animaniacs reboot is gonna look whenever that’s supposed to come out (the new Looney Tune shorts for HBO Max vary between “obviously Flash” and

I use D+ through a PlayStation and there are options for those.

The live shows they did at the Hollywood Bowl and O2 were pretty much just live Muppet Shows and they worked wonderfully.

I won’t act like the 2015 series was perfect, but there was plenty to like (the jokes and the boundry-pushing puppetry effects). I swear I read it was pitched for the 2016 season, but ABC wanted it that fall, so we got a rushed product.

But we won’t be getting a new Christmas Prince movie this year, so why bother.

Now playing

A great video of Regis and Miss Piggy, from the era where Frank Oz did not give a fuck on any show he was on:

I guess it depends on when you started watching G4. I first got it in 2006 and loved the X-Play of that era. But within, what, two years it become about videos game news/features with maybe a review and no comedy sketches (loved Crazy Adam).

I’ll only watch for reruns of Code Monkeys, Cheat!, Brainiac and the good era of X-Play (before “Reviews” became a segment and not the show’s bread and butter, and before they got rid of comedy bits).

I really would like a Hobbes doll.

Remember when Steve Carell played Paul Lynde in that Bewitched movie? I certainly hope to forget.

There’s only so many sketches you can do involving people using Zoom, so I guess we’ll see how this goes.

I didn’t know it was originally written as a TV pilot. Guess it’s ironic that it turned into a TV show afterwards.

Tracey’s “Black list” tells me the writers miss so much making funny lists of things.

I haven’t watched Wishbone in ages. I’ve been pretty down on these reboots lately, but I’m okay with this one.

Didn’t we already get a Dirty Dancing remake?

Teletubbies are so integral to the story.

That’s my thought too. Like, most the time the bad guys aren’t street thugs or such, they’re other professionals in their line of work doing terrible things. And one of Holt’s entire arcs was to rise in the ranks and make changes to the things that bothered him.

I came here to say that. Does every cast member need a podcast to discuss the show?

I saw a test screening just a few weeks before the shutdowns began. I liked it and man, the fact that Cristin Milioti isn’t one of the biggest stars in the world is an absolute shame. The twist of her spending her entirety learning a scientific way of breaking out of the loop was such a smart move.